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Presentation on Aramex Corporation Information technology system

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About the selected organization . A joint stock company located in the United Arab Emirates . Offers customers a variety of services such as record management, e-commerce, logistics express, supply chain management, logistics and freight. . Originally operated in the Middle East but later expanded to the rest of the globe . Operates on an asset light business model through generation of exceptional uniqueness in its products and services. . A leading provider in comprehensive transport and logistics solutions. . Initially set up to operate as an express company Organization’s Information System (IS) . The Aramex Corporation Information technology system is expansive and complex in order to enable proper coordination and control of its services globally. . The information technology adopted follows a Technology Security Policy that addresses security related issues such as integrity, ownership, and security. . Furthermore, it particularly deals with the risks associated with the usage of computers and networks for storage purposes, transfer and processing of this information. Porter’s Competitive forces model . The power of suppliers is not strong because the organization is among the leading providers of express and logistics services in the world through the GDA alliances. . The bargaining power of buyers is also not a strain or weakness for the company since it provides them with convenient services at the best quality The GDA Corporation forms an alliance that con ...
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