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Icek Azjen developed the theory of planned behavior, and it proposes that behavioral
intentions are a function of subjective norms, attitudes towards the behavior, and the
perceived behavioral control. Webb et al. argue that the TPB is more suitable to measure the
influence of interventions rather than intervention development because it provides little
information on how to change behavioral beliefs (1885). However, Fife-Schaw et al. suggest
that TPB could provide a useful starting point for addiction interventions to promote a change
of behavior (26). The success of the intervention lies on how the three TPB variables are
manipulated and strategies that increase people's actual control over addiction (Fife-Schaw et
al. 27).
According to Azjen developing an intervention using TPB requires formative research
to elicit and measure accessible beliefs (2). Attitude and subjective norms are the most
influential predictors of the intention to use drugs (Bashirian et al. 58). Especially among
young adults and adolescents, an intervention plan needs to focus on these two aspects more
than perceived behavioral control which may have little correlation to the behavioral intent
(Bashirian et al. 58). However, Marcoux and Shope note that among young people peer
pressure and friends experience were significant factors contributing to perceived behavioral
control (329). Under subjective norms, the important influencing factor is the parent’s beliefs

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on alcohol use. Further, young people in this age group have already developed both negative
and positive attitudes on drug use which they carry on from their adolescent years.
An intervention plan will focus on the changing their normative beliefs that “drug use
is okay” due to peer pressure. This plan will help the young adults develop their personalities
and not to look for approval from their friends. Activities that can help build character
include; group therapy, role playing, developing hobbies and creating daily behavioral
schedules. Also, the intervention will look to change the idea that now that these young
people are adults; they can indulge in drugs as much as they want because they are no longer
under strict parental supervision which creates a perceived behavioral control. More parental
involvement and supervision may be required to help in the intervention process.
Reinforcement tools are very crucial in ensuring that an abuser does not relapse.
Positive reinforcement is a great approach where the guardian or parent rewards the young
adult upon good behavior of abstinence from drugs for example by cell phone privileges or
extra pocket money. Another reinforcement technique is to build the addict's refusal skills
and assertiveness for them to cope with the pressure from friends who are still abusing drugs.
After a successful intervention, the young adult can also help his or her friends who are still
struggling with drug addiction.

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Surname 1 Name: Instructor: Task: Date: INTERVENTION OF YOUNG ADDICTS IN DRUG REHAB Introduction Icek Azjen developed the theory of planned behavior, and it proposes that behavioral intentions are a function of subjective norms, attitudes towards the behavior, and the perceived behavioral control. Webb et al. argue that the TPB is more suitable to measure the influence of interventions rather than intervention development because it provides little information on how to change behavioral beliefs (1885). However, Fife-Schaw et al. suggest that TPB could provide a useful starting point for addiction interventions to promote a change of behavior (26). The success of the intervention lies on how the three TPB variables are manipulated and strategies that increase people's actual control over addiction (Fife-Schaw et al. 27). According to Azjen developing an intervention using TPB requires fo ...
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