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Article review - Exploring Alternatives to The Whistle Blowing

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Article reviews

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Week 6 article 1
The article Dissenting Discourse: Exploring Alternatives to The Whistle Blowing/
Silence Dichotomy is written by Hayden Teo and Donella Caspersz. This dichotomy explains
that there are two ways of dealing with wrong behaviour at the work place, silence or whistle
blowing. It is a study that seeks other ways of achieving the objectives of whistle blowing. It
presents the effects of popularising whistle blowing or silence mechanism by the legal, media
and administrative institutions. Wrong doings happen in every day at the workplace. They
range from illegal actions to improper behaviour among the human resources.
According to the article, research was done in a local money organization. It was
conducted through interviews and the views of all the participants were gathered and
analysed. The findings indicated that whistle blowing is viewed in a negative perspective in
an organization. It is equated to back stabbing or betrayal of the organization or the
colleagues. It was associated with the fear of exposure and unknown consequences. People
who planned to engage in whistle blowing were afraid of being exposed to their colleagues.
They were also afraid of the reaction of the fellow workers. They were uncertain of the action
that would be taken on the person they set up. It was associated with great risk and
uncertainty that surpassed the benefits. Workers preferred to use other methods of corrective
measures other than the whistle blowing. Coding was used to associate unwanted behaviour
with popular characters that were known to the workers. These codes helped them to reflect
on their actions and adjust them to suit the required manner. Jokes also worked where a
worker would reflect on a joke and avoid the behaviour that would pose them as a laughing
matter. Sarcasm also worked by ensuring people cross checked their behaviour. Gossiping
made the workers perform according to the organization requirements to avoid being the
subject. These informal manners of correcting behaviour enhanced mate-ship and ownership

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Running head: ARTICLE REVIEWS 1 Article reviews Name Institution Date ARTICLE REVIEW 2 Week 6 article 1 The article Dissenting Discourse: Exploring Alternatives to The Whistle Blowing/ Silence Dichotomy is written by Hayden Teo and Donella Caspersz. This dichotomy explains that there are two ways of dealing with wrong behaviour at the work place, silence or whistle blowing. It is a study that seeks other ways of achieving the objectives of whistle blowing. It presents the effects of popularising whistle blowing or silence mechanism by the legal, media and administrative institutions. Wrong doings happen in every day at the workplace. They range from illegal actions to improper behaviour among the human resources. According to the article, research was done in a local money organization. It was conducted through interviews and the views of all the participants were gathered and analysed. The findings indicated that whistle blowing is viewed in a negative perspective in an organization. It is equated to back stabbing or betrayal of the organization or the colleagues. It was associated with the fear of exposure and unknown consequences. People who planned to engage in whistle blowing were afraid of being exposed to their colleagues. They were also afraid of the reaction of the fellow workers. They were uncertain of the action that would be taken on the person they set up. It was associated with great risk and uncertainty that surpassed the benefits. Workers preferred to us ...
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