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1. How does measuring process effectiveness support SMS goals and Safety
Aviation remains the safest mode of transport. Despite this, there is need to constantly
ensure that all the safety measures and regulations are strictly adhered to. Aviation Safety
Management Systems (SMS) as well as safety assurance have been used to enhance the safety of
this vital mode of transport. While these tools have been successful in improving safety, they too
need to be monitored and measured at regular basis for effectiveness. Through the measuring
process effectiveness, SMS goals and Safety Assurance has inspired safety confidence.
There are four sub-systems that interact to meet the collective goals of SMS (Fisher,
2013). The sub-systems (safety policy, safety risk management, safety assurance, and safety
promotion) need to be constantly monitored to ensure that they work in synergy to meet SMS
goals. The measuring process is important since it will detect if any of the sub-system is not
working within its stipulations. The role of SMS is to ensure that an “ideal” culture is created and
implemented. Constant measuring of process effectiveness only furthers this by ensuring that
error is minimized at all the sub-systems responsible for proper functioning of the SMS.
The main roles of Safety Assurance are to collect data, analyze the data, and take
corrective actions. The collection of data is important is measuring the effectiveness of an airline
meeting all the process requirements. The data collected will show that all the stipulated areas
are in place. This is followed by the analysis phase that focuses on accessing the performance
and effectiveness of these processes. The analysis, therefore, ensures that the risk controls are in
the required standards. To meet the SMS goals and Safety assurance, there is need to integrate
the risk management aspect of the aviation company.

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Aviation Name Institution 1. How does measuring process effectiveness support SMS goals and Safety Assurance? Aviation remains the safest mode of transport. Despite this, there is need to constantly ensure that all the safety measures and regulations are strictly adhered to. Aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS) as well as safety assurance have been used to enhance the safety of this vital mode of transport. While these tools have been successful in improving safety, they too need to be monitored and measured at regular basis for effectiveness. Through the measuring process effectiveness, SMS goals and Safety Assurance has inspired safety confidence. There are four sub-systems that interact to meet the collective goals of SMS (Fisher, 2013). The sub-systems (safety policy, safety risk management, safety assurance, and safety promotion) need to be constantly monitored to ensure that they work in synergy to meet SMS goals. The measuring process is important since it will detect if any of the sub-system is not working within its stipulations. The role of SMS is to ensure that an "ideal" culture is created and implemented. Constant measuring of process effectiveness only furthers this by ensuring that error is minimized at all the sub-systems responsible for proper functioning of the SMS. The main roles of Safety Assurance are to collect data, analyze the data, and take corrective actions. The collection of data is important is measuring the effectiveness of a ...
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