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How dumb can a nation get and still survive?
Eugene Robinson
Washington, D.C
The piece was written by Eugene Robinson to speculate on the development if
democracy and how it has misled some of the actions of people as well as government’s
involvement in development. Eugene Robinson writes for twice a week on the culture of the
people and the development of the country. He argues that the world is dump yet people are still
surviving more so with the outbreak of the pandemic which has paralyzed some of the economic
as well as political activities of countries. Besides, the development of retention measures to curb
the pandemic have been politicized which makes some of the activities difficult to articulate.
Therefore, some of the sensitive issues in the development of a country needs to follow the
culture framework without inclining to the political shades which could in one way or another
mislead the country.
The author claims that, democracy is no longer in practice as some of the measures
introduced by the government tend to infringe the rights of the people. It is clear that vaccination
against the Covid 19 is a do or die thing and therefore people should not be vaccinated against

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their will. The country and the citizens in general have a responsibility to plays towards the
safety of the healthcare systems and the future generation. It is not clear when people will
resume to the normal lives and completely do away with the pandemic and its impacts. The news
systems of the country have recently been dominated by controversies which in real sense should
not be controversial in any mechanism. The leaders who are elected on democratic frameworks
are responsible to uphold the constitution but instead are leading to the country to another global
recession. The congress has been tasked with ceiling of the country’s debts, which has been
opened by the two administrations. Therefore, the US government needs to focus on the health of
its people as well as the development of economic measures to boost the falling government.
The author uses deductive reasoning approach to explain the leadership of the country
and how it contributes to the economic recession which is being forecasted. Sound leadership is
expected to contribute to the better economic decisions that will improve the state of the world.
However, the direct opposite of the case has to threaten the sustainability of the country. The
leadership of Trump led to wastage of the economic resources which Biden is currently trying to
fix. Besides, democracy of the country is at verge of disappearing due to the suppressions by
some of the political forces in the system. Therefore, development has to start with democracy.
There is a fallacy in the topic of the writing that the world is dumb yet it still survives.
The dumbness describes the negative economic decisions and the poor leadership exercised by
the political system and therefore, the world’s economy is expected to fall. The economic
recessions are facing the world if not the United States alone.

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date How dumb can a nation get and still survive? Eugene Robinson Washington, D.C Link; The piece was written by Eugene Robinson to speculate on the development if democracy and how it has misled some of the actions of people as well as government’s involvement in development. Eugene Robinson writes for twice a week on the culture of the people and the development of the country. He argues that the world is dump yet people are still surviving more so with the outbreak of the pandemic which has paralyzed some of the economic as well as political activities of countries. Besides, the development of retention measures to curb the pandemic have been politicized which makes some of the activities difficult to articulate. Therefore, some of th ...
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