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Contextual Analysis: “If I Were A Boy" By Beyoncé

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Contextual Analysis: “If I Were A Boy" By Beyoncé
‘If I were a boy’ is among the huge hit songs in the modern music industry, and was done
by Beyoncé Knowles. This song was released on October 12 2008, and was written by a lyrical
generous, Britney Jean Carlson, commonly known as BC Jean. The main plot of the song ‘If I
were a boy’ is to portray the difficulties experienced in relationships, more so, the romantic ones,
as well as the prevalence of inequalities based on gender. The music style of this song does much
to reinforce this particular plot, with a well-defined narrative of a female and male role reversal.
The lyrics of Beyoncé in the song ‘If I were a boy’ are phenomenal to the audience,
especially those who consider her as being ignorant and selfish. It gives a wider picture that
relationships are a two-way traffic event, and every single party involved ought to take
responsibility to ensure it is successful. It further depicts that it is quite senseless to show less
concern about a person who is there for you, especially the one you are in a romantic relationship
with. For instance, the artists state,’ if I were a boy I think I could understand how it feels to love
a girl, I swear I’d be a better man’. This implies that it is important for persons in romantic
relationships to understand one another, and work towards protecting the emotions and feelings
of their spouses, for this matter, the man to understand the feelings of the woman in the
The artist of the song ‘If I were a boy’ further portrays the arrogance and inhumane
nature of men in relationships where she states ‘If I were a boy, I’d put myself first and make the
rules as I go, cause I know that she’d be faithful waiting for me to come home.’ This section of
Beyoncé’s lyrics suggests that many men in relationships are selfish and less concern about the
feelings of their spouses. They assume superiority over them (women), and remain highly
confident that their women will always adhere to their rules and remain faithful and submissive

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to them. She also shows how much it hurts a partner who loses a person she loves and wants,
especially just because he has taken her for granted in the relationship. This certainly reflects the
reality of couples, as it reveals to the audience the inappropriate and unacceptable behaviors in
relationships, and does question the acceptable character of persons of both, the male and female
gender, in relationships. (Wilson 3)
One of the most unique and outstanding aspect of this song is the switch in roles between
persons of both gender in a relationship. Primarily, the interchanging dialogue between the two
love birds in this song help in emphasizing the feeling of inequality in relationships as well as the
need to show concern and care for one another; a factor that consequently help the audience learn
how best to relate with their spouses.
In this hit song, it is vivid that the artist is working towards representing the prevalence of
stereotypical unfaithfulness among the male gender in relationships, more so, those who take
their female counterparts for granted. Moreover, the lyrics of the song, ‘If I were a boy’ makes it
clear to the audience that Beyoncé does sympathize with her female target audience, as they are
most vulnerable to relationships inappropriateness. Thus, the artist and the architect of this song
stand on the ideology developing a strong and independent woman, especially with the fact that
the female gender is more emotional and sensitive to mistreatment.
In as much as this song has representations of misbehavior among persons of both gender
in relationships, it is indisputable that it focuses more on the female gender, and appeals to the
target audience, mostly females who have been subjects to mistrusting and turbulent
relationships, to take caution on what kind of partners they choose. Based on that, Beyoncé does
create an ideology that predominantly sympathizes and understands the relationship tribulations
women go through, and proceeds to empower them to stick up for themselves whenever they
experience more of this.
The Musical Analysis of the Song ‘If I Were A Boy’ By Beyoncé Knowles

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Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Contextual Analysis: "If I Were A Boy" By Beyonc? 'If I were a boy' is among the huge hit songs in the modern music industry, and was done by Beyonc? Knowles. This song was released on October 12 2008, and was written by a lyrical generous, Britney Jean Carlson, commonly known as BC Jean. The main plot of the song 'If I were a boy' is to portray the difficulties experienced in relationships, more so, the romantic ones, as well as the prevalence of inequalities based on gender. The music style of this song does much to reinforce this particular plot, with a well-defined narrative of a female and male role reversal. The lyrics of Beyonc? in the song 'If I were a boy' are phenomenal to the audience, especially those who consider her as being ignorant and selfish. It gives a wider picture that relationships are a two-way traffic event, and every single party involved ought to take responsibility to ensure it is successful. It further depicts that it is quite senseless to show less concern about a person who is there for you, especially the one you are in a romantic relationship with. For instance, the artists state,' if I were a boy I think I could understand how it feels to love a girl, I swear I'd be a better man'. This implies that it is important for persons in romantic relationships to understand one another, and work towards protecting the emotions and feelings of their spouses, for this matter, the man to understand the feelings of the woman i ...
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