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Life As It Is

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Life as it is
Institutional Affiliation

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As people grow older, they experience events that make them understand why things
happened they way they did. Sometimes life can be hard and pressure coming from all directions
and calling for your attention and commitment. All in all, we are diamonds taking shape and we
learn in the process. At this point in life, one shouldn’t look back thinking days were better just
because they are younger days. Although let’s face it, most of us had a childhood filled with
wonder and mostly happiness and others had their fair share of bad events and good as well and
in the long run you end up questioning if the people you thought you knew your whole life.
This takes me back to time when I was about thirteen years old and I was in middle
school, and to be honest, puberty was really taking a toll on me, and I had issues of my own. I
was walking home from school and this ultimately changed the way I viewed life. I saw our front
door ajar from a distance as I approached the porch. Before I could reach in and enter, one of my
classmates ran and caught up with me. He was panting heavily and could barely talk. I realized
he wanted back his Chemistry book I had borrowed from him a few days ago. It was in the
house, so I invited him in to get it.
Just as we were getting in, I thought I heard noises upstairs. I felt a whiff of danger. My
heart skipped a beat. I thought buglers had broken in. I prickled my ears like a dog as I moved
up. I realized that the noise I heard were from my parents. I could hear their voices distinctly as I
approached their room. My mother was yelling and she called my father a bastard. I couldn’t
believe my ears. I was shocked to the bone. Papers were strewn all over the floor and the room
was in shambles.

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Running Header: LIFE AS IT IS 1 Life as it is Institutional Affiliation Date LIFE AS IT IS 2 As people grow older, they experience events that make them understand why things happened they way they did. Sometimes life can be hard and pressure coming from all directions and calling for your attention and commitment. All in all, we are diamonds taking shape and we learn in the process. At this point in life, one shouldn’t look back thinking days were better just because they are younger days. Although let’s face it, most of us had a childhood filled with wonder and mostly happiness and others had their fair share of bad events and good as well and in the long run you end up questioning if the people you thought you knew your whole life. This takes me back to time when I was about thirteen years old and I was in middle school, and to be honest, puberty was really taking a toll on me, and I had issues of my own. I was walking home from school and this ultimately changed the way I viewed life. I saw our front door ajar from a distance as I approached the porch. Before I could reach in and enter, one of my classmates ran and caught up with me. He was panting heavily and could barely talk. I realized he wanted back his Chemistry book I had borrowed from him a few days ago. It was in the house, so I invited him in to get it. Just as we were getting in, I thought I heard noises upstairs. I felt a whiff of danger. My heart skipped a beat. I thought buglers had broken in. I pr ...
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