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Public Relation

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Public relation officers interact with the public on behalf of the company. This helps the
company to get feedback from the customers about their services and from other interested
shareholders. The public relation officer is supposed to maintain a good reputation of the
company in the eyes of the public. To achieve this he/she must maintain certain principles.
The officer should maintain utmost honesty with the public i.e. should always tell the truth, this
is because a lie will always be known which will damage the image of the company. The results
will be even worse than the lie the officer was trying to cover up. Facts should always be
outlined as clear as possible to win the trust of the public at all times. If the officer is not sure of
certain information he/she should research on it thoroughly and gives accurate feedback later if
need be.
Knowledge of the clients they are dealing with should be well known. This is making sure they
have the information on what their clients deal with, the services they offer, the product and the
history of the organization they deal with. It can be done through various ways thanks to social
media such as linked in and instagram.knowing the client helps in shaping the conversation and
winning their trust. This will impress the client as they see that you have invested the time to
learn about their organization thus having an advantage in them accepting your ideas.
Thirdly, the officer should also know media contacts this is because journalists are the best allies
to get close with a public relation officer. He/she should know journalist by their names and
address them with those names so as to create a personalized relationship. The officer should
know what information to feed the media and the right time to do so. Good media relations will
lead to the company being printed in the media journals and even personal interviews in the
The public officer should always be active in finding new information of the company to the
consumer and to all interested parties. When then the company needs certain information it
should always be available from the public relation officer and be available for speeches and
attend organization seminars and meeting. Being a public relation just means giving your all the

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Public relation officers interact with the public on behalf of the company. This helps the company to get feedback from the customers about their services and from other interested shareholders. The public relation officer is supposed to maintain a good reputation of the company in the eyes of the public. To achieve this he/she must maintain certain principles. The officer should maintain utmost honesty with the public i.e. should always tell the truth, this is because a lie will always be known which will damage the image of the company. The results will be even worse than the lie the officer ...
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