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Law And Ethics Final

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Medical Law and Ethics
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Medical Law and Ethics
Medical law and ethics are stipulated standards that moderate the responsibilities and work
behaviors of medical professionals including the legal rights of patients. As a medical professional,
the knowledge of principles of medical law helps you to gain perspective in the following areas;
The responsibilities and rights of healthcare consumers. As a healthcare professional, you
not only need to be concerned about how medical law and ethics impact your profession but also
understand these principles affect patients. Due to an increase in medical technological appliances,
patients would want to know their rights and options when it comes to access to medical care.
The ethical issues that affect the society, patients and healthcare practitioners. New
technology emerges daily with medical and biological solutions. These solutions involve ethical
matters that make us have decisions regarding our healthcare.
The impact of increasing cost on the laws and ethics on the delivery of healthcare. The
rising cost both on insurance and treatment can lead to questions concerning allocation of treatment
and health services. For example, should everyone age and social class receive same medical care
and access to all kind of drugs?
Also, the knowledge of principles of medical law and ethics is important to me in the
following ways;
Respect and autonomy. I should be able to acquire information and the decisions made
concerning my health. Medical professionals should not assume that because I am part of a
particular culture or community, I affirm my community’s beliefs and customs. Respect is a
professional obligation for healthcare workers.

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Running head: MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS 1 Medical Law and Ethics Name Institution affiliation Date MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS 2 Medical Law and Ethics Medical law and ethics are stipulated standards that moderate the responsibilities and work behaviors of medical professionals including the legal rights of patients. As a medical professional, the knowledge of principles of medical law helps you to gain perspective in the following areas; The responsibilities and rights of healthcare consumers. As a healthcare professional, you not only need to be concerned about how medical law and ethics impact your profession but also understand these principles affect patients. Due to an increase in medical technological appliances, patients would want to know their rights and options when it comes to access to medical care. The ethical issues that affect the society, patients and healthcare practitioners. New technology emerges daily with medical and biological solutions. These solutions involve ethical matters that make us have decisions regarding our healthcare. The impact of increasing cost on the laws and ethics on the delivery of healthcare. The rising cost both on insurance and treatment c ...
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