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Business Ethics

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Business Ethics
Business ethics refers to a particular code of conduct or rather professional behavior,
which examines the moral principles that arise in a given business environment. It is a decisive,
structured evaluation of how best stakeholders of organizations among them the employees, the
executives, the suppliers, and the customers of a firm should act in a business setting. Primarily,
the principles of business ethics apply to every aspect of business conduct, and are vital to the
moral uprightness of all individuals in the entire organization. They further play a significant role
in the examination of suitable constraints in attempts to attain self-interest or enhanced
profitability in the operations of the firm, especially when they involve other stakeholders of the
organization such as customers. (Shaw 86)
Like any other field of operation, the field of business requires high standards of ethical
behavior on the verge to enhance efficiency in its activities. It is a given that business operations
often involve multiple people or stakeholders who must interact appropriately and accordingly in
order to achieve the long-term success required in a given business operation. All these persons
including the business shareholders, employees, suppliers, and customers of equal importance to
the firm, and their content in a business setting is equally important. As a result, all workplaces
have a specified outline of rules and regulations that govern them and business operations are not
an exception. Business ethics is among the key business laws that all stakeholders must adhere to
in order to bring satisfaction, efficiency, and eventually increased profitability in a firm. It

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determines the general moral conduct of everyone in a business setting for the good of the
organization, and that of its associates or stakeholders. (Weiss 13)
Components or Elements of Business Ethics
The concept of business ethics involves the study of appropriate business policies as well
as practices concerning potentially controversial issues in a business environment. It includes a
wide range of actions that enable transparency and moral uprightness in the diverse operations of
an organization. Some of the components of business ethics include:
Corporate social responsibility: this is a situation where the business, firm, or
organization is liable to the environment in which it operates. All organizations have a role to
play in making the areas surrounding their geographical location, and the entire market they
serve better places. They are responsible to the members of the surrounding communities and
must embrace business systems that will serve for their good. Based on that, many organizations
have employed such practices as environmental conservation programs, capacity building
schemes, education-sponsoring programs, and many more that may not have an immediate
economic return to the organization, yet works for its long-term good through the creation of
good reputation among its clientele and potential customers. However, the process of making
corporate social responsibility program of a firm requires high levels of business ethics. It
involves such practices as dedication to the program, respect and appreciation of the local
environments and their residents, honesty in the operations, and several others that work
collectively for the good of all involved parties.
Trustworthiness: trustworthiness in a business setting implies to the ability of maintaining
high levels of confidence among the clients of a business on the efficiency of its operations and
the general ability of the organization. This is only attainable through the embracement of
organizational operating systems that will prove reliable, efficient, satisfying, fair, and effective
to the clientele and the entire public. (Nelson and Trevino 36)

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Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Business Ethics Introduction Business ethics refers to a particular code of conduct or rather professional behavior, which examines the moral principles that arise in a given business environment. It is a decisive, structured evaluation of how best stakeholders of organizations among them the employees, the executives, the suppliers, and the customers of a firm should act in a business setting. Primarily, the principles of business ethics apply to every aspect of business conduct, and are vital to the moral uprightness of all individuals in the entire organization. They further play a significant role in the examination of suitable constraints in attempts to attain self-interest or enhanced profitability in the operations of the firm, especially when they involve other stakeholders of the organization such as customers. (Shaw 86) Like any other field of operation, the field of business requires high standards of ethical behavior on the verge to enhance efficiency in its activities. It is a given that business operations often involve multiple people or stakeholders who must interact appropriately and accordingly in order to achieve the long-term success required in a given business operation. All these persons including the business shareholders, employees, suppliers, and customers of equal importance to the firm, and their content in a business setting is equally important. As a result, all workplaces have a specified outline of rules and regul ...
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