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New Perspectives Excel 2019 | Module 1: SAM Project 1a Tabula Insurance Agency ENTER AND UPDATE COMPANY DATA Author: Omar Elkaramany Note: Do not edit this sheet. If your name does not appear in cell B6, please download a new copy of the file from the SAM website. w copy of the Tabula Insurance Agency Personnel: April 4-10, 2021 Employee Name Salary Albert Luna #### Trish Marchan #### Doreatha Blair #### Rosario Sprung #### Christopher Hernandez#### Isaac Grosso #### Annabell Watkins #### Garnett Moody #### Elvin Degen #### Christopher Starr Wynell Petree Lillian Powers #### Commission $86.32 $90.45 $8.86 $153.31 $33.05 $0.00 $26.98 $90.31 $16.04 Email Tabula Insurance Agency April 4-10, 2021 Auto Home Life Sales $ 35,243.48 $ 25,380.45 $ 78,567.41 Expenses $ 31,014.26 $ 23,603.82 $ 63,639.60 Profit Last edited April 10, 2021 Total Note: All calculations are done weekly. Name: Description: ...
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