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Department Of Homeland Security

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Department of Homeland Security
Institutional Affiliation

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Information is important when being shared as it enhances success of a given activity.
The security departments all over the world operate effectively through sharing vital information.
For instance, the Department of Homeland Security becomes successful in its missions through
sharing of information between different groups of the security officers. There is need to have a
coordinated way in which information is being shared (United States, 2001). When there is
failure of coordination, then it is hard to achieve success. The Homeland Security has
experienced difficulties in becoming successful in its operations as a result of a number of
factors. If these factors are not solved early enough, it might become hard for the department to
succeed in the future in its operations.
Inadequate sharing of information
The Department of Homeland Security experiences different challenged during its
missions as a result of overlaps and inadequacy in the way that information is shared. There are
some agencies in the different departments which may fail to share vital information rendering
missions a failure. There are claims on this failure which state that there is inadequacy of
resources and cooperation among the people in the department. On the other hand, there are
claims that the technology being used by the department is outdated which makes it hard to share
relevant information. Storage and sharing of information requires that there is provision of the
required resources. In the case of Homeland, there are not enough personnel in the department
dealing with sharing of information. As a result, some information may not be disseminated to
some mission groups irrespective of its relevance to their operations (Gaines & Kappeler, 2012).
There are also some officers or agencies who will be reluctant to share information with others.

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Running head: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Department of Homeland Security Name Instructor Institutional Affiliation Date 1 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Introduction Information is important when being shared as it enhances success of a given activity. The security departments all over the world operate effectively through sharing vital information. For instance, the Department of Homeland Security becomes successful in its missions through sharing of information between different groups of the security officers. There is need to have a coordinated way in which information is being shared (United States, 2001). When there is failure of coordination, then it is hard to achieve success. The Homeland Security has experienced difficulties in becoming successful in its operations as a result of a number of factors. If these factors are not solved early enough, it might become hard for the department to succeed in the future in its operations. Inadequate sharing of information The Department of Homeland Security experiences different challenged during its missions as a result of overlaps and inadequacy in the way that information is shared. There are some agencies in the different departments which may fail to share vital information rendering missions a failure. There are claims on this failure which state that there is inadequacy of resources and cooperation among the people in the department. On the other hand, there are claims that the technology being used by the dep ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
