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Mod1 introduction to automata part 1

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WEEK 1 Introduction CS 6205 - Automata and Formal Language Theory Week 1: Introduction to Finite Automata Theory Course Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, a student is able to: 1. Define Automata Theory 2. Identify the theory of computation 3. Identify the central concepts of algorithm Topics Covered • • • • Automata Theory Theory of Computation Languages and Grammars Central Concepts of Automata Theory AUTOMATA THEORY WHAT IS AUTOMATA THEORY? ● Study of abstract computing devices, or “machines” Automaton - an abstract computing device - an automaton (plural: automata) is a mathematical model of a computing device. WHY BUILD MODELS? Mathematical Simplicity - It is significantly easier to manipulate our abstract models of computers than it is to manipulate actual computers. Intellectual Robustness - If we pick our models correctly, we can make broad, sweeping claims about huge classes of real computers by arguing that they're just special cases of our more general models. Alan Turing (1912-1954) ● Father of Modern Computer Science ● English mathematician ● Studied abstract machines called Turing machines even before computers existed Theory of Computation: A Historical Perspective 1930s ● Alan Turing studies Turing machines ● Decidability ● Halting problem 1940s-1950s ● “Finite automata” machines studied ● Noam Chomsky proposes the “Chomsky Hierarchy” for formal languages 1969 ● Cook introduces “intractable? ...
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