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PepsiCo and Coca-Cola

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Running Head: ACC 557 ASSIGNMENT 3 1
ACC 557 Assignment 3
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ACC 557 Assignment 3
PepsiCo and Coca-Cola
It is evident that various organizations worldwide have many shares in the stock
market. It is also notable that these organizations ensure that they operate effectively in order
to achieve a competitive advantage, which increases their stock prices. This study will be an
analysis two major companies, which are reputable in the world, and they are PepsiCo and
Coca-Cola. These two organizations are giants mainly in the beverage industry and they
provide a variety of food products to their customers. Other factors to be considered in this
study include their stock prices, financial performance, their products, and impact of few
events, which have affected their stock prices.
PepsiCo History
Pepsi is a multinational corporation based in America and it is engaged mainly in the
food and beverage industry. Pepsi was the brainchild of Caleb Bradham who was a young
pharmacist and he tried various experiments with combinations of spices, syrups and juices in
order to create eventually an innovative refreshing drink for the customers. Caleb Bradham’s
unique mixture of rare oils, vanilla and kola nut extracts became famous and the customers
eventually named this combination the Brad’s drink. Later, Caleb made the decision of
renaming it Pepsi-Cola and he began to advertise it. Caleb in 1902 made an application for a
trademark from the United States Patent Office (PepsiCo, n.d.).
Pepsi-Cola was initially sold through soda fountain but Caleb later recognized greater
opportunity of selling the soft drink in the form of bottles so that people could drink it
anywhere. Pepsi customers did not disappoint and they responded positively to the drink
where sales started growing significantly. This development made Caleb to start a company
that could market and sell the soft drink. The United States Patent Office officially registered

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ACC 557 Assignment 3 Name Institution Professor's Name Course Title Date of Submission ACC 557 Assignment 3 PepsiCo and Coca-Cola Introduction It is evident that various organizations worldwide have many shares in the stock market. It is also notable that these organizations ensure that they operate effectively in order to achieve a competitive advantage, which increases their stock prices. This study will be an analysis two major companies, which are reputable in the world, and they are PepsiCo and Coca-Cola. These two organizations are giants mainly in the beverage industry and they provide a variety of food products to their customers. Other factors to be considered in this study include their stock prices, financial performance, their products, and impact of few events, which have affected their stock prices. PepsiCo History Pepsi is a multinational corporation based in America and it is engaged mainly in the food and beverage industry. Pepsi was the brainchild of Caleb Bradham who was a young pharmacist and he tried various experiments with combinations of spices, syrups and juices in order to create eventually an innovative refreshing drink for the customers. Caleb Bradham's unique mixture of rare oils, vanilla and kola nut extracts became famous and the customers eventually named this combination the Brad's drink. Later, Caleb made the decision of renaming it Pepsi-Cola and he began to advertise it. Caleb in 1902 made an application for a trademark from the Un ...
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