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Su 17 lesly valladares human behavior

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Drug addiction has a significant impact not only on a single person but the family as a whole. In
this case, the effects of Barbara’s addiction will be felt by the entire family, from her
grandparents to Jonah. But Jonah may be the most vulnerable to Barbara’s addiction of
Jonah’s future development may be faced with a lot of issues due to Barbara’s addiction. He may
grow up to struggle with relationships, both romantic and with his own children. He may labor
under serious abandonment and trust issues, judge himself far more harshly than he should and
struggle to have fun and loosen up (Burton, 2002). As a result, Jonah may end up turning to
drugs as a way to cope with and understand his feelings or he may feel that he is destined to a
life of substance abuse.
As a social worker, there are various interventions that I would use to help Jonah. I will involve
a call for promotion of protective factors like parenting knowledge, social connection, and
concrete supports. I will also introduce Jonah’s mother to programs associated with the treatment
of substance abuse and through extensive prenatal initiatives of screening to provide prevention
services to promote Jonah’s well-being and safety at home.

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Drug addiction has a significant impact not only on a single person but the family as a whole. In this case, the effects of Barbara’s addiction will be felt by the entire family, from her grandparents to Jonah. But Jonah may be the most vulnerable to Barbara’s addiction of substance. Jonah’s future development may be faced with a lot of issues due to Barbara’s addiction. He may grow up to struggle with relationships, both romantic and with his own children. He may labor under serious abandonment and trust issues, judge himself far more harshly than he should and struggle to have fun an ...
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