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Exam ii 2

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Brookdale Community College
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Samantha Toomey October 24, 2021 HIST-105 Professor Le Vine The cultures of China, India, and Rome have demonstrated systems of social control and other ways of inequality. China's culture is extremely unique. Within this religion, peasants had given rise to their movement. This movement was also known as “Great Peace.” As a result, this can now be practiced through China’s religion of Buddhism. India is unique when discussing their caste system. India still uses their caste system today. In contrast, Rome’s culture is unique in it’s own way. Rome’s religion of Christianity is derived from the religion of Judaism. Jesus or God of Christians was Jewish. It is very common to think of the religions being extremely diverse, yet the ideas were still taught by the same person. When I took a look at Rome’s culture, I believed it to be the toughest on its people. My reasoning behi ...
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