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Financial Analysis

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“Huntington Ingalls Industries” Financial Analysis
Analyze the impact of international trade on Huntington Ingalls financial statements
Huntington operates on an international basis as it supplies most of its products to
international firms or states (Huntington Ingalls Industries Corporation, 2013). The fact that it
conducts its business on an international basis leads to influence on its financial statements.
International trade either influence the financial statements negatively or positively. Based on the
financial statement provided, the returns as per the ratio analysis of the accounts provided
indicate a positive influence in the financial statement of the company. In addition to that, the
fundamental analysis which indicates the shares and the earnings illustrates that more income
earned from the shares (Yahoo Finance, 2015). The stability of the company is also high which
concludes that international trade has a positive influence on the financial statement of
Huntington Company.
Analyze specific risks of a company's international trade
International trade involves both importation and exportation of goods and services. Both
the activities involve specific risks. Exportation of goods and services with an aim of
international trade contributes to additional costs to the firms. The additional costs include
transportation costs and also increased taxes. Importation of goods and services associated with
reduced or fixed prices which reduce the ability of a company to earn more profits from the
products that they sell.
Analyze the current decisions made by a company that has regulatory and tax implications.
Tax and regulations have their way on the products that are produced by a company. The
tax usually increases with the increase in the price of a commodity or the returns made by a
company. Moreover, making decisions that contain the tax and regulatory implications, a

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1 Running Head: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Financial Analysis Name Lecturer Course Date Institution FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 2 “Huntington Ingalls Industries” Financial Analysis Analyze the impact of international trade on Huntington Ingalls financial statements Huntington operates on an international basis as it supplies most of its products to international firms or states (Huntington Ingalls Industries Corporation, 2013). The fact that it conducts its business on an international basis leads to influence on its financial statements. International trade either influence the financial statements negatively or positively. Based on the financial statement provided, the returns as per the ratio analysis of the accounts provided indicate a positive influence in the financial statement of the company. In addition to that, the fundamental analysis which indicates the shares and the earnings illustrates that more income earned from the shares (Yahoo Finance, 2015). The stability of the company is also high which concludes that international trade has a positive influence on the financial statement of Huntington Company. Analyze specific risks of a company's international trade International trade involves both importation and exportation of goods and services. Both the activities involve specific risks. Exportation of goods and services with an aim of international trade contributes to additional costs to the firms. The additional costs include transportation costs and also increa ...
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