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Question 4

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Grand Canyon University
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Question 3: You are interested in understanding the demographics of a particular cohort in your
data set: those who have a bachelor's degree or higher whose occupation is also "Exec-managerial."
(Hint: First write code to subset those with occupational category of "Exec-managerial," then write
code to subset for educational level.)
Use the appropriate R function(s) to report the count of individuals who meet these criteria along
with their average age and the percentage who earn more than $50,000 annually. Include a
screenshot of the R console output as part of the answer.
Question 4: Using the Age variable, create a new variable that divides Age into age categories.
Your categories should be as follows: Under 25; 25-34; 35-44; 45-54; 55-64; 65+. The code to create
the first category would be as follows:
incomedat$age_cat[incomedat$Age < 25] <- "<25"
Use this line of code as a template to create the other categories. Ensure that your code worked by
showing a table with the age categories and the counts of individuals in each category.

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Question 3: You are interested in understanding the demographics of a particular cohort in your data set: those who have a bachelor's degree or higher whose occupation is also "Exec-managerial." (Hint: First write code to subset those with occupational category of "Exec-managerial," then write code to subset for educational level.) Use the appropriate R function(s) to report the count of individuals who meet these criteria along with their average age and the percentage who earn more than $50,000 annually. Include a screenshot of the R console output as part of the answer. Question 4: Using t ...
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