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Differential equations example problem 3

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Linear Models Now, for ek ek = 2 The, the models becomes P = P0 (2t ) Now, for t when P = 3P0 3P0 = P0 (2t ) Now, t = 1.58 hr Example 2. Hal-life of Plutonium A breeder reactor converts relatively stable uranium 238 into isotope plutonium 239. After 15 years it is determined that 0.043% of the initial amount A0 of plutonium has disintegrated. Find the half-life of this isotope if the rate of disintegration is proportional to the amount remaining. Solution: Let A(t) be the remaining amount, dA = kA dt A(0) = A0 Solving for A, A = cekt For c, A = A0 ek·0 , c = A0 Hence, A = A0 ekt At t = 15 years, A = (1 0.043%)A0 = 0.99957A0 . Now, for ek , 0.99957A0 = A0 ek·15 1 ek = 0.99957 15 Now, the equation becomes To solve for t when A = 0.5A0 , ⇣ ⌘ t A = A0 0.99957 15 ⇣ 0.5A0 = A0 0.99957 t = 24, 174 yrs t 15 ⌘ Example 3. Age of a Fossil A fossilized bone is found to contain one-thousandth of the C-14 level found in living matter. Estimate the age of the fossil. (Half-life of C-14 is 5, 600 years) Solution: Carbon dating also uses the model dA = kA dt Hence, A = A0 ekt as solved in the earlier examples. For ek , at t = 5, 600 years, A = 0.5A0 0.5A0 = A0 ek(5600) Hence, 1 ek = 0.5 5600 Now, the equation becomes For t at A = ⇣ ⌘ t A = A0 0.5 5600 A0 1000 ⇣ ⌘ t A0 5600 = A0 0.5 1000 t = 55, 808 yrs Newton’s Law of Cooling/Warming According to Newton’s empirical law of cooling/warming, the rate at which a temperature of a body is changing is di ...
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