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Current Events

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Current Events
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Using current events, predict the overall development of public administration in the next
five (5) years. Provide a rationale for your response.
The development of public administration within the next five years is seen to rely more
on use of technology. This use of technology will allow both the profit and nonprofit businesses
conduct a survey and an evaluation that efficiently speaks of how well they are and of how
valuable they will be to the community. Both the human and financial resources tightening trend
is seen to likely continue as the public organizations will be struggling to become more efficient,
flexible, adaptable, very competitive and politically responsive. In the next five years, the
systems that organizations are structured in for the public administrations are in effort to
developing the greater responsiveness and efficiency.
Organizations are slightly moving towards the adoption of the business like management
skills as time progresses, while both production and efficiency are now becoming more apparent
in our everyday operations. The responsiveness will result to more production and better
production at a faster rate. Most of the organizations will be forced to adapt to the new
technology, for easier copping up with the current competition. Competition will also result to
production of better products and services (Coale, 2015).

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Running Head: CURRENT EVENTS 1 Current Events Name Professor Name Unit Date CURRENT EVENTS 2 Using current events, predict the overall development of public administration in the next five (5) years. Provide a rationale for your response. The development of public administration within the next five years is seen to rely more on use of technology. This use of technology will allow both the profit and nonprofit businesses conduct a survey and an evaluation that efficiently speaks of how well they are and of how valuable they will be to the community. Both the human and financial resources tightening trend is seen to likely continue as the public organizations will be struggling to become more efficient, flexible, adaptable, very competitive and politically responsive. In the next five years, the systems that organizations are structured in for the public administrations are in effort to developing the greater responsiveness and efficiency. Organizations are slightly moving towards the adoption of the business like management skills as time progresses, while both production and efficiency are now becoming more apparent in our everyday operations. The responsiveness will result ...
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