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Scm Erp And Crm

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Running head: SCM, ERP AND CRM SYSTEMS 1
SCM, ERP and CRM Systems
Institution Affiliation:

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Supply Chain Management (SCM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and
Customer Relation Management (CRM) are computer-based systems used by corporate
businesses in making the operations of the business better and easier. Each system handles its
unique task in business apart from the ERP system that combines all business functions and
provides a unified system database dealing with all business functions. ERP system is
provided like services by the vendor who has the system run over the network. It is an online
service that provides a database for all business functions such as the CRM and SCM systems
among other systems.
The Supply Chain Management system is a system that automates the entire process of
the business Supply chain. The business with this system can easily control, plan and optimize
the supply chain process of the business. It handles all the supplies, distribution, and all
logistics of the company. This automation process makes things to be done in a faster and
more efficient way. Implementation of such system in the supply chain is very important since
it significantly reduces the cost of business. It also holds data that is important to make any
decision regarding supply and distribution of the company products. The system is also
important to the organization since it reduces the cost of operations and increases efficiency
which leads to increased return.
ERP system is a system that has a unified database that stores information about
different functions of business. The system holds the business financial records, customer
details, supply chain information, production information and human resources information
among others. The system is very important to the business since it can be used to substitute
some of the systems that may be expensive to acquire. A company can rent a space from the
vendor to enjoy all these services at a cheaper rate. This makes the company divert their
minds from acquiring these systems that might be a bit expensive. Therefore, cost of

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Running head: SCM, ERP AND CRM SYSTEMS 1 SCM, ERP and CRM Systems Institution Affiliation: Date: SCM, ERP AND CRM SYSTEMS 2 Supply Chain Management (SCM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relation Management (CRM) are computer-based systems used by corporate businesses in making the operations of the business better and easier. Each system handles its unique task in business apart from the ERP system that combines all business functions and provides a unified system database dealing with all business functions. ERP system is provided like services by the vendor who has the system run over the network. It is an online service that provides a database for all business functions such as the CRM and SCM systems among other systems. The Supply Chain Management system is a system that automates the entire process of the business Supply chain. The business with this system can easily control, plan and optimize the supply chain process of the business. It handles all the supplies, distribution, and all logistics of the company. This automation process makes things to be done in a faster and more efficient way. Implementation of such system in the supply chain is very i ...
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