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Interview With An Education Leader

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Interview with an Educational Leader
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Interviews are some of the most important ways of getting to know more about an
individual and his or her perspective. Having a chance to interview important people such
leaders provides an individual with an opportunity to get to learn more about that particular
leader and how his leadership has been able to shape him or her. From this point an individual is
able to have a clear mind on what it takes to be a leader and the challenges that comes with being
a leader (Northouse, 2015). It is imperative to note that leadership is a fundamental aspect of
individuals and being a great leader requires great devotion and sacrifice. Leadership skills and
competencies are core requirements in today’s competitive marketplace. The ability to manage
people and win their trust is a key requirement for being a great leader. Great leaders are
passionate and visionary people who have the ability to influence others the most positive way.
These people have successfully defined and developed an articulated personal brand which
differentiates them from other people (Northouse, 2015). Great leaders know and understand the
value they create and what they offer to the society as a whole.
I got a chance to hold an interview session with an educational leader. An educational
leader generally has the role of influencing, motivating, inspiring, affirming and challenging the
educational practice among educators. These leaders strive to create a positive change within the
educational policy and processes. It involves working with teachers and guiding them towards
improving and bettering the educational process within the elementary, secondary as well as post
secondary learning institutions. Educational leaders play a very vital role within the context of
educational system. Below is an excerpt of my interview session with Educational leader.

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Running Head: INTERVIEW WITH AN EDUCATIONAL LEADER Interview with an Educational Leader Name Instructor Institutional Affiliation Date 1 INTERVIEW WITH AN EDUCATIONAL LEADER 2 Interviews are some of the most important ways of getting to know more about an individual and his or her perspective. Having a chance to interview important people such leaders provides an individual with an opportunity to get to learn more about that particular leader and how his leadership has been able to shape him or her. From this point an individual is able to have a clear mind on what it takes to be a leader and the challenges that comes with being a leader (Northouse, 2015). It is imperative to note that leadership is a fundamental aspect of individuals and being a great leader requires great devotion and sacrifice. Leadership skills and competencies are core requirements in today’s competitive marketplace. The ability to manage people and win their trust is a key requirement for being a great leader. Great leaders are passionate and visionary people who have the ability to influence others the most positive way. These people have successfully defined and developed an articulated personal brand which differentiates them from other people (Northouse, 2015). Great leaders know and understand the value they create and what they offer to the society as a whole. I got a chance to hold an interview session with an educational leader. An educational leader generally has the role of influencing ...
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