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Forensic Assessment Report: Mental Health Treatment Evaluation

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Forensic Assessment Report: Mental Health Treatment Evaluation
The defendant is a forty-six year old Caucasian female arrested and charged with
burglary. There are indications of intoxication and substance abuse as well as hostile and
aggressive behavior. The defendant exhibits contempt for authority and has a predisposition
towards chaos and disruptive conduct. Further, the possibility of memory lapses and
hallucinations is evident combined with an inability to effectively communicate. As a result of
the behavioral characteristics exhibited by the defendant, a referral for a forensic mental health
treatment evaluation has been made to ascertain whether she has the mental capacity to have
committed the charged offence, and whether a mental treatment is the most suitable course of
action rather than standing trial. Accordingly, the purpose of this forensic assessment and report
is to present the findings generated from a thorough analysis of the facts and to justify why the
mental health treatment evaluation is the preferable forensic assessment for this case. In my
assessment, the defendant is laboring under mental illness that is exacerbated by the abuse of
drugs. Her aggressive and combative behavior is an indication of possible damage to parts of her
This assessment is buttressed by the officers’ report of her irritable and irrational
behavior at the time of her arrest. Further, she did not seem to recall having committed the
offense, another indicator of potential mental problem. Finally, her hallucinations also point to
the same possibility. However, the assessment is greatly disadvantaged by the lack of any
previous records on her mental health as well as her refusal to engage in history treatment. As a
forensic mental health expert, it is imperative that I maintain a professional and objective
relationship between myself, the court, and any third party requesting an assessment. It
necessarily follows that I must not only conduct the assessment in accordance with the requisite

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Running head: FORENSIC ASSESSMENT 1 Forensic Assessment Report: Mental Health Treatment Evaluation Name Institution FORENSIC ASSESSMENT 2 Forensic Assessment Report: Mental Health Treatment Evaluation The defendant is a forty-six year old Caucasian female arrested and charged with burglary. There are indications of intoxication and substance abuse as well as hostile and aggressive behavior. The defendant exhibits contempt for authority and has a predisposition towards chaos and disruptive conduct. Further, the possibility of memory lapses and hallucinations is evident combined with an inability to effectively communicate. As a result of the behavioral characteristics exhibited by the defendant, a referral for a forensic mental health treatment evaluation has been made to ascertain whether she has the mental capacity to have committed the charged offence, and whether a mental treatment is the most suitable course of action rather than standing trial. Accordingly, the purpose of this forensic assessment and report is to present the findings generated from a thorough analysis of the facts and to justify why the mental health treatment evaluation is the preferable forensic assess ...
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