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Discussion 1: Three Major Concerns.
To begin with, I believe that individual judgement is one of the concerns for the federal
government in considering goods and services’ prices; where a contracting official has no doubt
that a product’s price is reasonable and fair. Another major concern adequate competition such
that the government is able to have reasonable and fair prices for the commodities and services at
the market.
Personally, individual judgement is the best concern in determining whether the government gets
ideal prices in the commodities at the market. Sometimes, contracting officials overlook the fact
that the cost of a commodity does not measure up to its performance and period of durability.
Even though the purchasing price at the time of purchase might seem to be the most ideal price,
it is not appropriate to overlook that the high maintenance cost is required to maintain such a
Majority of the companies use cost based pricing and market based pricing to determine the most
reasonable and fair price to sell goods to the government. Consumers become satisfied with the
supplied price when the established market prices used. This is because commoditiesprice is
compatible with the trend in the market. Therefore, the government is encouraged to buy from
the companies since the prices are seemed to be reasonable and fair due the current market value.

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BUS 315-DISCUSSIONS STUDENT: PROFESSOR: COURSE: DATE: BUS 315-DISCUSSIONS. BUS 315-DISCUSSIONS Discussion 1: Three Major Concerns. To begin with, I believe that individual judgement is one of the concerns for the federal government in considering goods and services’ prices; where a contracting official has no doubt that a product’s price is reasonable and fair. Another major concern adequate competition such that the government is able to have reasonable and fair prices for the commodities and services at the market. Personally, individual judgement is the best concern in determining whether the government gets ideal prices in the commodities at the market. Sometimes, contracting officials overlook the fact that the cost of a commodity does not measure up to its performance and period of durability. Even though the purchasing price at the time of purchase might seem to be the most ideal price, it is not appropriate to overlook that the high maintenance cost is required to maintain such a product. Majority of the companies use cost based pricing and market based pricing to determine the most reasonable and fair price to sell goods to the government. Consumers become satisfied with the supplied price when the established market prices used. This is because commodities’ price is compatible with the trend in the market. Therefore, the government is encouraged to buy from the companies since the prices are seemed to be reasonable and fair due the current market value. B ...
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Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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