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Equity Research Report

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Equity Research Report
Name of Student
Wilmington University

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Basic Information
With the Equity Research Report, we are going to examine the financial ratio analysis,
valuation analysis, investment risk factors and other information found in the financial
statements of American Airline and Southwest. The financial analysis procedure will involve
examination of various ratios, which may include liquidity ratios, activity ratios and debt ratios.
Others include profitability ratios, efficiency ratios and market ratios. In the evaluation of the
performance of the two companies, we will also conduct cash flow analysis and compare the
weighted average cost of capital of the two companies.
Analyst Opinion
The current ratio of American Airline is higher than that of the SouthWest Company.
This means that American Airline is better placed in terms of paying its assets in time. Since
current ratio measures the financial health of the company, the company with a higher current
ratio, in our case, American Airline has a higher probability of paying its obligations such as debt
and creditors using its assets such as inventory and accounts receivable. On the other hand, the
performance of the two companies is below per as per the statistics of the current ratio. From the
financial accounting concept, a good performing company should have a current ratio of greater
than one and it’s an indicator of higher strength of paying obligations when they fall due.
Unfortunately, American Airline and SouthWest both have a ratio of lesser than one. With their
low current ratio, it does not necessarily mean that both companies will go bankrupt. The main
contributing factor to this argument is that companies have several ways of accessing finance
especially when they have realistic expectations of potential future income that they can use to
pay their debts (Fridson &Alvarez, 2011). As such the company can have a current ratio of lesser

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Running head: EQUITY RESEARCH REPORT Equity Research Report Name of Student Wilmington University 1 EQUITY RESEARCH REPORT 2 Basic Information With the Equity Research Report, we are going to examine the financial ratio analysis, valuation analysis, investment risk factors and other information found in the financial statements of American Airline and Southwest. The financial analysis procedure will involve examination of various ratios, which may include liquidity ratios, activity ratios and debt ratios. Others include profitability ratios, efficiency ratios and market ratios. In the evaluation of the performance of the two companies, we will also conduct cash flow analysis and compare the weighted average cost of capital of the two companies. Analyst Opinion The current ratio of American Airline is higher than that of the SouthWest Company. This means that American Airline is better placed in terms of paying its assets in time. Since current ratio measures the financial health of the company, the company with a higher current ratio, in our case, American Airline has a higher probability of paying its obligations such as debt and creditors using its assets such as inventory and accounts receivable. On the other hand, the performance of the two companies is below per as per the statistics of the current ratio. From the financial accounting concept, a good performing company should have a current ratio of greater than one and it’s an indicator of higher strength of pay ...
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