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Listening Bus600

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Listening - bus600
I believe that there are some people who are good listeners while others have very poor
listening abilities though, most are good listeners. In order to improve listening skills of
employees, organizations should practice improvisation strategies to enable contributors to freely
respond to ideas provided by the implementer. Organizations should also incorporate
communication skills in worker teaching programs as well as performance appraisals. Lastly
organizations should initiate spoken instruction movement that aid participants to quantify how
well they orally obtain information. Organizational leaders grow a sense for discerning the key
information depicted by their people. Hearing the central ideas and themes from their staff makes
organization successful.
Personally, to improve my personal listening skills, I have to make sure I hear the
presenter. This should always be my first parameter in any condition to ensure effective
listening. Another important aspect is that I should never think about what to say at the same
time listening to a speaker. That makes me a poor listener. The mind of a listener goes four times
quicker than the voice of the presenter. But putting in mind that I will react to the speaker after
he or she is done will improve my listening skills. Similarly, listening to speakers main ideas but
not the realities is a good way to make me a good listener. For instance, if I happen to notice or
hear a key concept/idea, I have to teach myself how to come along those concepts.
Brownell, J. (2015). Listening: Attitudes, principles, and skills. Routledge.

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[Last Name] 1 [Your Name] [Instructor Name] [Course Number] [Date] Listening - bus600 I believe that there are some people who are good listeners while others have very poor listening abilities though, most are good listeners. In order to improve listening skills of employees, organizations should p ...
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