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Privacy Impact Assessment

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Privacy Impact Assessment

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Privacy impact assessment is a mean that helps organizations to successfully comply with
data protection obligations. They also help the organization to meet the expectations of the
individual’s privacy. Privacy impact assessment states how personal information is protected and
shared. They also explain how the same information is collected and maintained. Privacy impact
assessment further is a tool that guides a person on how to reduce the risk involving the privacy
of his work.
PIA also gives out an effective way of handling personal information to avoid the risk of
misuse or unnecessary sharing of his private information to another person. There are several
laws that relates to privacy in United States. Privacy Act of 1974 is an Act that provides the
framework on how agencies maintain personal information of their employees.
Basically, any organization cannot properly protect all the personally identified
information because it doesn’t know them. The Personally identified information is basically the
information that a given organization makes use of to identify a given individual. An example of
this information is the surname, maiden name, physical address, the information about the
employment of a given individual and the age among many other varieties of personal
information. The federal government and the organizations in the United States of America, have
worked extremely hard to safeguard the privacy of individual information.
Even though there is that information which needs not to be protected, the federal
government and the organizations have worked on the process of safeguarding the personally
identified information based on their level of confidentiality. Those which require high
protection because of their confidentiality nature have been prioritized in the safeguarding
process. Since the introductions of surveillance in America, it has brought a lot of debate

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Running head: PRIVACY IMPACT ASSESSMENT Privacy Impact Assessment Name Tutor Institution Course Date 1 PRIVACY IMPACT ASSESSMENT 2 Privacy impact assessment is a mean that helps organizations to successfully comply with data protection obligations. They also help the organization to meet the expectations of the individual’s privacy. Privacy impact assessment states how personal information is protected and shared. They also explain how the same information is collected and maintained. Privacy impact assessment further is a tool that guides a person on how to reduce the risk involving the privacy of his work. PIA also gives out an effective way of handling personal information to avoid the risk of misuse or unnecessary sharing of his private information to another person. There are several laws that relates to privacy in United States. Privacy Act of 1974 is an Act that provides the framework on how agencies maintain personal information of their employees. Basically, any organization cannot properly protect all the personally identified information because it doesn’t know them. The Personally identified information is basically the information that a given organization ma ...
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