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Reading: Coffee Culture
1) Which hot drink are popular in your country?
Hot Tea and hot coffee are popular in my country
Hot tea: green tea, atiso tea,...
Hot coffee: black coffee, milk coffee, egg coffee,...
2) What is your favorite hot drink?
My favorite hot drink is milk coffee
3) Which five words do you associate with coffee?
Awake, special flavor, aroma, sleeplessness and caffeine
1) Chile
2) Argentina
3) Brazil
4) US
5) Argentina
1) Starbuck began in Mexico City in 1971
2) a. Starbucks owns 3,907 stores in North America
b.Starbucks owns 437 stores in the rest of the world
3) a. It has 1,378 stores that allow others to operate in North America
b. It has 1,180 stores that allow others to operate in the rest of the world
4) The first Starbucks location outside of North America opened in Japan in 1996
5) Starbucks 'corners', or mini-outlets, are found in airline offices, sports stadium,
airports, hotels and bookshops.
6) Four problems
The company was forced to globalise because it had saturated its home market.
The Japanese experience has not been a happy one.
Security concerns forced the company to retreat from Israel.
The antiglobalisation movement now has Starbucks stores on its hit list
1) Retreat from a market
2) Launch a product
3) Pull out of a market
4) Break into a market
5) Penetrate a market
6) Introduce a product
7) Saturate a product
8) Withdraw a market
9) Get a foothold in a market
10) Roll out a market

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11) License a product
12) Phase out a product
a) Entering a market
Launch entering a market
License entering a market
Penetrate entering a market
Introduce entering a market
Breaking into entering a market
Get a foothold in entering a market
Roll out entering a market
b) Leaving a market
Retreat from leaving market
Phase out leaving a marke
Pull out of leaving a market
Withdraw leaving a market
Reading: Internet shopping
A.What's the difference between a 'brick and mortar' and 'online' retailer? Can you
give an example of each?
- Online retailer is customer purchases goods or services from a seller by the Internet
Example: Shopee, Tiki, Ebay,...
- Brick-and-mortar is a traditional type of retail store and does not use the internet.
Example: television and radio commercials, newspapers,...
B.What do you know about these companies: Amazon, Ebay, Sears Roebuck
-Amazon is one of the world's leading online retailing corporations based in the United
States, which is well known worldwide.We can buy and sell lots of items, products
from around the world.We can choose the goods best, quality and most suitable for
our needs
-Ebay is a website specializing in selling online.We can buy and sell lots of items,
products from around the world.We can buy items, products by auction on Ebay
-Sears Roebuck is an American department store chain
a. Paragraph 3
b. Paragraph 1
c. Paragraph 6
d. Paragraph 2

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Unit 4: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Reading: Coffee Culture A. 1) Which hot drink are popular in your country? Hot Tea and hot coffee are popular in my country Hot tea: green tea, atiso tea,... Hot coffee: black coffee, milk coffee, egg coffee,... 2) What is your favorite hot drink? My favorite hot drink is milk coffee 3) Which five words do you associate with coffee? Awake, special flavor, aroma, sleeplessness and caffeine B. 1) Chile 2) Argentina 3) Brazil 4) US 5) Argentina C. 1) Starbuck began in Mexico City in 1971 2) a. Starbucks owns 3,907 stores in North America b.Starbucks owns 437 stores in the rest of the world 3) a. It has 1,378 stores that allow others to operate in North America b. It has 1,180 stores that allow others to operate in the rest of the world 4) The first Starbucks location outside of North America opened in Japan in 1996 5) Starbucks 'corners', or mini-outlets, are ...
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