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Assessing Security From An Independent Security Report And Company Overview

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Case Studies
Western Governors University
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Assessing Security from an Independent Security Report and Company (Psinuvia Inc)
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Professor’s Name

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A. Describe both the physical vulnerabilities and physical threats that put the security
posture of Psinuvia Inc. at risk. Provide details from the attached “Independent
Security Report,” including how each vulnerability or threat is negatively impacting
the security posture of the company.
Psinuvia's physical security is constantly in jeopardy, and there are a variety of flaws that may be
exploited. Unauthorized parties may get access to patients' personal information. As a
consequence of this relationship, Psinuvia now has access to very sensitive patient information.
Individuals who are ignorant of a data breach may face severe penalties. Malevolent groups may
take advantage of physical flaws to get access to authorized data. Aggressors may exploit known
weaknesses in technical equipment and software. The corporation is at risk of getting physically
unwell as a consequence of employing Psinuvia Incorporated's wearable pacemaker devices. As
a consequence of these weaknesses, Psinuvia's customers' personal information is at risk.
Psinuvia is also facing legal ramifications for failing to safeguard fundamental, personally
identifiable information (PII) (Yaacoub et al., 2020). Psinuvia's major physical concern is a bad
geological location. The organization's headquarters are in Dallas, Texas. The area is prone to
flooding during periods of heavy rain. In addition to Psinuvia's employees, they are in risk.
Policies and processes for dealing with substantial volumes of personally identifiable data from a
large number of inhabitants must be clearly defined.
Psinuvia is a firm that creates implantable and wearable medical devices. These gadgets
inadvertently capture patient data. This information may be accessible to clients of the devices,
who are primarily clinical outside health organizations. Furthermore, such data may be
accessible to other parties, raising the danger of a data breach. Another physical risk is the
absence of a well-defined security program outlining the company's essential security

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1 Assessing Security from an Independent Security Report and Company (Psinuvia Inc) Overview Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor’s Name Course Date 2 A. Describe both the physical vulnerabilities and physical threats that put the security posture of Psinuvia Inc. at risk. Provide details from the attached “Independent Security Report,” including how each vulnerability or threat is negatively impacting the security posture of the company. Psinuvia's physical security is constantly in jeopardy, and there are a variety of flaws that may be exploited. Unauthorized parties may get access to patients' personal information. As a consequence of this relationship, Psinuvia now has access to very sensitive patient information. Individuals who are ignorant of a data breach may face severe penalties. Malevolent groups may take advantage of physical flaws to get access to authorized data. Aggressors may exploit known weaknesses in technical equipment and software. The corporation is at risk of getting physically unwell as a consequence of employing Psinuvia Incorporated's wearable pacemaker devices. As a consequence of these weaknesses, Psinuvia's customers' personal information is at risk. Psinuvia is also facing legal ramifications for failing to safeguard fundamental, personally identifiable information (PII) (Yaacoub et al., 2020). Psinuvia's major physical concern is a bad geological location. The organization's headquarters are in Dallas, Texas. The area ...
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