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Bald Eagle

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Bald Eagle
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Bald Eagle
The bald eagle is a bird found in Georgia, the United States that preys mostly on fish.
However, it also preys on small animals like rats as well as other small birds. It is also known to
be an opportunistic feeder, because, apart from preying on fish, it snatches other animals' prey.
The bird lives in large trees away from human interference by building the biggest nests in
America. The birds are not really bald but have white feathered heads with chocolate brown
body and wings. Due to illegal hunting, these birds have flourished in Georgia under protection.
Moreover, they live in forested areas near water, especially lakes and oceans where they have
plenty access to fish, thou they also eat other small animals.
Bald EaglesEnvironment
Bald eagles live in Georgia within 50 miles from our home in forested habitats suitable
for nesting and roosting. Accordingly, they like near expanses of fresh or salt water for foraging.
Bald eagles place their nests in densely forested areas of Georgia to isolate them from human
disturbance. The quality of foraging habitat where they hang around is characterized by the
abundance, vulnerability of their prey, extent of disturbance from humans, and the aquatic
habitat structure (Buehler, 2000). Accordingly, bald eagles can survive in any temperature from
extreme hot to extreme cold. Moreover, they have been surviving in Georgia temperatures
ranging from 4 °C to 32 °C.
Bald eagles mainly feed on fish, as well as birds, rabbits, squirrels and other small
animals. Additionally, they are opportunistic predators such that they steal prey from other
animals. Notably, bald eagles' role in the environment is to keep the food chain intact.
Accordingly, they prevent overpopulation in river and pond areas. Therefore, they are important

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Running head: BALD EAGLE Bald Eagle Name Institution Affiliation BALD EAGLE 2 Bald Eagle Introduction The bald eagle is a bird found in Georgia, the United States that preys mostly on fish. However, it also preys on small animals like rats as well as other small birds. It is also known to be an opportunistic feeder, because, apart from preying on fish, it snatches other animals' prey. The bird lives in large trees away from human interference by building the biggest nests in America. The birds are not really bald but have white feathered heads with chocolate brown body and wings. Due to illegal hunting, these birds have flourished in Georgia under protection. Moreover, they live in forested areas near water, especially lakes and oceans where they have plenty access to fish, thou they also eat other small animals. Bald Eagles’ Environment Bald eagles live in Georgia within 50 miles from our home in forested habitats suitable for nesting and roosting. Accordingly, they like near expanses of fresh or salt water for foraging. Bald eagles place their nests in densely forested areas of Georgia to isolate them from human disturbance. The quality of foraging habitat where they hang around is characterized by the abundance, vulnerability of their prey, extent of disturbance from humans, and the aquatic habitat structure (Buehler, 2000). Accordingly, bald eagles can survive in any temperature from extreme hot to extreme cold. Moreover, they have been surviving in Georgia tempera ...
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