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Business Law
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The Role and Functions of the Law
Institutional Affiliation

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According to Wetherly and Otter (2011), the law functions as a body of rules of conduct
or actions as prescribed by a controlling authority and is binding by a legal force. With such an
understanding, we are able to see the law in the perspective of how it works both in the business
and academic fields. The law can as well be understood in the context of the society in terms of
its interpretation through our personal upbringing as well as common knowledge.
Therefore, the society and business are in agreement in the way they accept the law as a
set of rules of action or conduct which is controlled by a legal entity such as the local, state, or
federal government which enforce it through the court system. It is an enforceable standard to
spell out what is right or wrong within the moral confines of a society in guiding people.
The roles of law and courts in today's business environment.
In today’s world, the modern law is there to regulate how businesses and people through
a combination of different types of laws including statutory, constitutional, statutory, regulatory,
and common laws at the various levels of government (Wetherly and Otter (2011). The law is
also responsible for limiting personal and organizational activities which are deemed not to be in
the best interest of the public and thus the role of the courts in determining contravention of the
particular laws violated. The legal system as exercised through the judiciary and the court system
are used in the implementation towards having the desired acceptable behavior in society.
Therefore, the laws and courts play very significant roles in today’s business environment
including protecting consumer rights, employees, the environmental, and taxation.

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Running head: THE ROLE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE LAW The Role and Functions of the Law Institutional Affiliation Date 1 THE ROLE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE LAW 2 Introduction According to Wetherly and Otter (2011), the law functions as a body of rules of conduct or actions as prescribed by a controlling authority and is binding by a legal force. With such an understanding, we are able to see the law in the perspective of how it works both in the business and academic fields. The law can as well be understood in the context of the society in terms of its interpretation through our personal upbringing as well as common knowledge. Therefore, the society and business are in agreement in the way they accept the law as a set of rules of action or conduct which is controlled by a legal entity such as the local, state, or federal government which enforce it through the court system. It is an enforceable standard to spell out what is right or wrong within the moral confines of a society in guiding people. The roles of law and courts in today's business environment. In today’s world, the modern law is there to regulate how businesses and people through a combination of different types of laws including statutory, constitutional, statutory, regulatory, and common laws at the various levels of government (Wetherly and Otter (2011). The law is also responsible for limiting personal and organizational activities which are deemed not to be in the best interest of the public and thus the r ...
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