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Effective communication methods for FitBit Alta
Advertising generally aims at generating general information concerning a product to the
public with an aim of increasing the demand for the product and bring on board new customers.
Fit bit provides a wide range of information to the users on personal metrics such as distance
covered, the quality of their sleep and other personal activities. It generally helps a person to track
their rmovement towards personal goals.
Fit Bit is therefore meant to create a positive impact on people challenging them to achieve
more this is one reason that makes advertising an effective communication mechanism for Fit Bit
because trough provision of general information regarding its use, and the number of advantages
that come with it will develop interest in more people to try it. Besides increasing sales,
advertisement can also create good will for the product in public domain.
Effectiveness of the Fit bit is measured by comparing present and past performances
basically through an increase in the level of activity. This can be in terms of distance walked
currently over the distance that was walked sometimes back, the amount of calories burned, present
quality of sleep , number of steps covered among other personal metrics.
Budgeting for the product should be in line with the business overall marketing goals.
While setting the budget for the product, all marketing strategies and stages should be considered
and allocated the required finances. However, the budget should be set in such a way that it
supports all the activities and does not minimize the company’s profits. The budget should also
consider competitors strategies, the budget should be set in such a way that it counters the
competitor’s strategies.

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Running head: FITBIT FitBit Institution: Instructor: Date: 2 FITBIT Effective communication methods for FitBit Alta Advertising generally aims at generating general information concerning a product to the public with an aim of increasing the demand for the product and bring on board new customers. Fit bit provides a wide range of information to the users on personal metrics such as distance covered, the quality of their sleep and other personal activities. It generally helps a person to track their rmovement towards personal goals. Fit Bit is therefore meant to create a positive impact on people challenging them to achieve more this is one reason that makes advertising an effective communication mechanism for Fit Bit because trough provision of general information regarding its use, and the number of advantages that come with it will develop interest in more people to try it. Besides increasing sales, advertisement can also create good will for the product in public domain. Effectiveness of the Fit bit is measured by comparing present and past performances basically through an increase in the level of activity. This can be in terms of distance walked currently over the distance that was walked sometimes back, the amount of calories burned, present quality of sleep , number of steps covered among other personal metrics. Budgeting for the product should be in line with the business overall marketing goals. While setting the budget for the product, all marketing strategies ...
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