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Importance Of Cohabitation

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Importance of Cohabitation
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Importance of Cohabitation
Marriage is an expensive affair that is difficult to manage and maintain. Therefore, the
same case applies when the couples are compatible in their marriage. This gives a good
coordination of events within the family and the smooth running of the home activities
(Lerner, 2009). Therefore, the most crucial, thing before venturing to legal marriage is
understanding each other during the relationship to get the compatibility of the two lover
birds. Hence, this is the reason couples have engaged in staying together for a long time
without legal marriage.
Cohabitation is, therefore, critical before marriage many ways. Staying with one
another gives the chance, of getting to know the trues characters that you have desired you
partner to have to marry. It eliminates doubts and regrets of marrying the person, not of your
type. In this process, it also gives the chance to stabilize together through gathering effort
together in business life and other related activities that are needed to have a good family.
Cohabitation gives the best chance, to identify and collect information about each that
may make him or her a good husband or wife and if the history is beyond toleration, you are
free to quit the relationship. Also under the Cohabitation Agreement, there is the protection of
this act between the couples in which the owned assets between these couples are supposed to
be shared in case of the split of the relationship. In this case, some exist and benefits from the
business partnership, although they may not marry (Stanton, 2011). Additionally, in case they
have children, they both stand an equal chance to cater for the children basic needs. In
conclusion, cohabitation gives the best chance of understanding each other and getting the
best couple out of it.

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1 Running head: IMPORTANCE OF COHABITATION Importance of Cohabitation Student’s Name Institution IMPORTANCE OF COHABITATION 2 Importance of Cohabitation Marriage is an expensive affair that is difficult to manage and maintain. Therefore, the same case applies when the couples are compatible in their marriage. This gives a good coordination of events within the family and the smooth running of the home activities (Lerner, 2009). Therefore, the most crucial, thing before venturing to legal marriage is understanding each other during the relationship to get the compatibility of the two lover birds. Hence, this is the reason couples have engaged in staying together for a long time without legal marriage. Cohabitation is, therefore, critical before marriage many ways. Staying with one another gives the chance, of getting to know the trues characters that you have desired you partner t ...
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