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Water Pollution Final

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Environmental Science
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Assignment: final essay
Title: Sustainable practices for water pollution crisis

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Introduction to water pollution
Water pollution is one of the most pressing issues in the United States and other parts of
the globe. Water pollution results when hazardous chemicals and materials are intentionally or
accidentally dumped into water sources, thus making the water and unfit for use. Statistics from
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency indicates that approximately one third of American
lakes and half of rivers are polluted and thus unfit for swimming, consumption or other
recreational activities (Keiser & Shapiro, 2019). However, the issue of water pollution is more
prevalent in states such as Texas where agricultural activities together with ineffective local laws
encourage dumping of chemicals into water sources. Water pollution is an environmental issue
that is often associated with negative health outcomes among both humans, animals and other
member of the ecosystem such as plants. Among humans, water pollution has been found to
cause or aggravate health related complications such as Cancer, typhoid and dysentery among
others. Current efforts to address water pollution are based on the mainstream understanding of
water pollution as a problem primarily caused by irresponsible disposal of agrochemicals and
other waste materials into water sources. However, this paper argues that the mainstream
understanding of water pollution is flawed because it fails to consider how broader power
systems contribute to the problem. The paper proposes a multi-faceted political ecology
framework for understanding and addressing water pollution menace by addressing compelling
the government to create laws for improving water quality and addressing injustices and
inequality in access to water.
Mainstream view of water pollution.
Water pollution is one of the widely discussed issue both in media and research. Under
the mainstream view, water pollution is viewed as a problem that result from irresponsible waste

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WATER POLLUTION 1 Name Date Course Assignment: final essay Title: Sustainable practices for water pollution crisis WATER POLLUTION 2 Introduction to water pollution Water pollution is one of the most pressing issues in the United States and other parts of the globe. Water pollution results when hazardous chemicals and materials are intentionally or accidentally dumped into water sources, thus making the water and unfit for use. Statistics from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency indicates that approximately one third of American lakes and half of rivers are polluted and thus unfit for swimming, consumption or other recreational activities (Keiser & Shapiro, 2019). However, the issue of water pollution is more prevalent in states such as Texas where agricultural activities together with ineffective local laws encourage dumping of chemicals into water sources. Water pollution is an environmental issue that is often associated with negative health outcomes among both humans, animals and other member of the ecosystem such as plants. Among humans, water pollution has been found to cause or aggravate health related complications such as Cancer, typhoid and dysentery among others. Current efforts to address water pollution are based on the mainstream understanding of water pollution as a problem primarily caused by irresponsible disposal of agrochemicals and other waste materials into water sources. However, this paper argues that the mainstream understanding of water pol ...
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I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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