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University of California - Los Angeles
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Western Secularity
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First stage: Resurgence of religion
Ideas and the many forms that we practice do not just have an impact on a certain
place as they would on a solid block. They are mostly modified and put into other ways or forms
that are given meaning and are in turn passed on to others. (Van den Hemel, E. (2018) To start
with, for the past twenty or so years, the global resurgence of the said religion, which is
responsible for the challenge on the most dominant and the logic that is of secularism in this
mainstream has confronted the study of international
Second stage: How has the cosmology of western European-based cultures
changed since the seventeenth century?
This revolution showed the full capability of the human mind, and in this effect, the
enlightenment values were developed as a result of these scientific revolutions. (Franke, W.
(2020) It is seen in the fact that scientists make conclusions of their own instead of using the
confirmed and instilled authorities that are to show the capabilities and what individuals are
Third stage; Cosmology of western European Christianity and what happened
The scientific resolution put its emphasis on the experiments that were systematic
and were seen as the highly valid method of research and, in turn, resulted in developments in
physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and in biology. (Ribberink, E., Achterberg, P., &
Houtman, D. (2018).

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1 Western Secularity Institution Affiliation: Name: Date: Course: 2 First stage: Resurgence of religion Ideas and the many forms that we practice do not just have an impact on a certain place as they would on a solid block. They are mostly modified and put into other ways or forms that are given meaning and are in turn passed on to others. (Van den Hemel, E. (2018) To start with, for the past twenty or so years, the global resurgence of the said religion, which is responsible for the challenge on the most dominant and the logic that is of secularism in this mainstream has confronted the study of international Second stage: How has the cosmology of western European-based cultures changed since the seventeenth century? This revolution showed the full capability of the human mind, and in this effect, the enlightenment values were developed as a result of these scientific revolutions. (Franke, W. (2020) It is seen in the fact that scientists make conclusions of their own instead of using the confirmed and instilled authorities that are to show the capabilities and what individuals are worth. Third stage; Cosmology of western European Christianity and what happened The scientific ...
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