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Understanding culture society and politics quarter 2 week 1 summative assessment

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Performance task
* Digitally drawn using Autodesk Sketchbook App. Zoom for details. Brushes that are use are:
Soft Airbrush, Small Paintbrush, Felt tip pen, and Technical Pencil.
Overview: The poster represent on how does this new normal benefits us. In this new normal,
we have the power to control our schedule on working on our modules and do other extra
activities such as side hustling, mastering our skills, growth, and other personal development.
We also have more time bonding with our families. This poster is to show everyone that no
matter what obstacles we are facing , there will always be a better and that everything is under
control. We learn to adapt, and grow during our adaptation.

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Performance task * Digitally drawn using Autodesk Sketchbook App. Zoom for details. Brushes that are use are: Soft Airbrush, Small Paintbrush, Felt tip pen, and Technical Pencil. Overview: The poster represent on how does this new normal benefits us. In this new normal, we have the power to control ...
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Awesome! Perfect study aid.
