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Organization Action Plan

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Running head: CONTIGENCY PLAN 1
Contigency Plan

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Contingency Plan
Contingency planning is one of the important subsets of business strategy. All forms of
business are always vulnerable to different conditions that adversely affect their operations. Poor
responses to such operations have always been associated with loss of customers, data and some
of the important business aspects. A good contingency plan should cover all events that are more
likely to disrupt all the current operations of the company. In doing so, certain risks to the
business become eliminated, and the operations can be carried out in a better approach. Olive
Restaurant is located on Sixth Avenue New York. The eatery serves all forms of meals as well as
hosts major events in the town. Examples of events include seminars and training as well as team
building exercises. The restaurant is one of the largest in the whole of New York City having
more than a hundred employees working both full and part time. The restaurants operate for
twenty-four hours targeting the rich economy of the city. Operationally, it is run by three: a
general manager assisted by two assistants. The restaurant has firmly built most of its service
operations through the use of integrated systems meaning there is a high reliance on the use of
Olive restaurant lacks a comprehensive contingency plan. Most of its business processes
do not militate against various risks. Therefore, the organisation is exposed to different risks that
could be classified at different levels. Some of the risks are natural disasters such as fires or
earthquakes. The second forms of risks come in the form of crises where employees or customers
could get hurt while inside the business premise. Additionally, the company has only six guards
who could not effectively handle issues that are above their security status. Other forms of risks
include constant strikes and go-slows among the employees, theft, neglect of duties by the staff,

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Running head: CONTIGENCY PLAN 1 Contigency Plan Name Institution CONTINGENCY PLAN 2 Contingency Plan Introduction Contingency planning is one of the important subsets of business strategy. All forms of business are always vulnerable to different conditions that adversely affect their operations. Poor responses to such operations have always been associated with loss of customers, data and some of the important business aspects. A good contingency plan should cover all events that are more likely to disrupt all the current operations of the company. In doing so, certain risks to the business become eliminated, and the operations can be carried out in a better approach. Olive Restaurant is located on Sixth Avenue New York. The eatery serves all forms of meals as well as hosts major events in the town. Examples of events include seminars and training as well as team building exercises. The restaurant is one of the largest in the whole of New York City having more than a hundred employees working both full and part time. The restaurants operate for twenty-four hours targeting the rich economy of the city. Operationally, it is run by three: a general manager assisted by two assistants. The restaurant has firmly built most of its service operations through the use of integrated systems meaning there is a high reliance on the use of technology. Olive restaurant lacks a comprehensive contingency plan. Most of its business processes do not militate against various risks. Therefo ...
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