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Drug Dealers A

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Drug Dealers
Student Name
It is quite interesting to note that the groups such as drug dealers, which are bent on destruction
of society, and have nothing worthwhile to offer to humanity, work together and unleash
collectivism. (Hofstede, 2001) On the other hand, different groups of individuals such as
Religions, countries and organizations which can play a very key and effective role in achieving
common good depict individualism in their actions. One wonders, if these groups with large
resources at their disposal can join hands and take on an ambitious journey for the betterment of
society at large, this world could turn into paradise undoubtedly.

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Drug Dealers Student Name College/University It is quite interesting to note that the groups such as drug dealers, which are bent on destruction of society, and have nothing worthwhile to offer to humanity, work together and unleash collectivism. (Hofstede, 2001) On the other hand, different groups of individuals such as Religions, countries and organizations which can play a very key and effective role in achieving common good depict individualism in their actions. One wonders, if these groups with large resources at their disposal can join hands and take on an ambitious journey for the bett ...
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