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Turning Off Dining In

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Running Head: ENGLISH 1

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Turning Off, Dining In.
1. What is the context of “Turning Off, Dining In”
The author is basically urging people to respect family time. Since in most families the
members are occupied with work and school it might be difficult for each member to be
together during the day and have meals together but they are presented with a perfect
opportunity of having dinner together, the writer is not happy because she sees that her family
does not notice that this is the only time they have for each other in every 24 hours.
2. Summarize the author’s purpose for writing the article in one sentence.
Family time is one of the most important things in our lives; we should not jeopardize it
with spending more time buried on our mobile phones and other gadgets.
3. Look back and try to find the actual sentences in which the author states her
main point.
This is found in the first paragraph when she states that she almost announced to her
family that it was rude to bring phones or to read at the table. It is also found in the fourth
paragraph when she states that to her it seems that smartphones are slowly eroding connected
time for families and at no time does this become clearer than at dinner time.
4. Identify one area in the text in which the author supports her main point with
The author states that these dinners helped her and her sister stay out of trouble while
other kids of divorced parents found it a bit too easy to evade the distracted attention of
harried parents.
5. How would you describe the author’s style and tone?

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Running Head: ENGLISH 1 English Name Course Tutor Date ENGLISH 2 Turning Off, Dining In. 1. What is the context of “Turning Off, Dining In” The author is basically urging people to respect family time. Since in most families the members are occupied with work and school it might be difficult for each member to be together during the day and have meals together but they are presented with a perfect opportunity of having dinner together, the writer is not happy because she sees that her family does not notice that this is the only time they have for each other in every 24 hours. 2. Summarize the author’s purpose for writing the article in one sentence. Family time is one of the most important things in our lives; we should not jeopardize it with spending more time buried on our mobile phones and other gadgets. 3. Look back and try to find the actual sentences in which the autho ...
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