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10/1/21, 9:18 AM D025 - Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles and Interprofessional Practice | SmarterMeasure Accessibility options Menu D025 - Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles and Interprofessional Practice Knowledge 3. A charge nurse is educating junior staff nurses during a professional in-service training. The charge nurse would like to ensure that patients who share the same diagnosis and treatment needs receive equal care. Which ethical principle is the charge nurse focusing staff development on? Bene cence Justice Veracity Fidelity I need to learn this. 4. After attending a continuing education course on environmental safety and crisis management, an emergency department nurse shares with the team the steps to be completed during a bomb threat. Which action should be the first to take after receiving a phone call about a bomb in a room? Transfer the call to security Put the caller on hold and look for a supervisor Tell the staff to run to the room Ask for more details I need to learn this.… 1/5 10/1/21, 9:18 AM D025 - Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles and Interprofessional Practice | SmarterMeasure 5. What type of credit does the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) award to participants for engaging in continuing education programs? Certi cate of attendance Contact hours Continuing medical education Nursing uni ...
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