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Title Vii Of Civil Rights Act 1964

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Title VII of Civil Rights Act 1964
This happens to be a federal legislation, which protects persons from sex-based
discrimination at the workplace. The intent of this legislation is to make it unlawful for an
employer to discriminate persons mainly because of their sex in the case of hiring or firing, or
even other employment conditions, for instance, raises, promotions, as well as other job
opportunities. The law covers all state as well as local governments, private employers, as well
as educational institutions with 15 or more employees. Again, the legislation covers labor
organizations, private & public agencies, and joint labor management committees that control
apprenticeship as well as training.
There have been huge efforts towards the elimination of gender or sex discrimination in
employment. For instance, an employer cannot pay an individual less mainly because such an
employee is a woman or a man. It is also not allowed that a person is discriminated with regard
to benefits mainly because of sex, even though dissimilarities between sexes could give rise to

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distinct benefit costs. One cannot be discriminated because they are pregnant or even on the basis
of marital status. On the other hand, criticisms have been there that access to equal job
opportunities is still a problem. According to critics, low-wage employees are not able to
vindicate the lawful rights due to their inability to afford or secure an attorney. Though this
legislation has done a great job, t is clear that it has not worked as it was intended.
Why This Legislation
It is important to note the great role that the legislation has played. Discrimination based
on sex pulls a country behind and it hurts on a personal capacity. It is still a pity that despite
women having proven to perform with a similar skill as well as success in each and every
endeavor men have engaged them in, many are still held back by the sex discrimination issue.

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Surname: 1 Student’s Name Instructor Course Date Title VII of Civil Rights Act 1964 Introduction This happens to be a federal legislation, which protects persons from sex-based discrimination at the workplace. The intent of this legislation is to make it unlawful for an employer to discriminate persons mainly because of their sex in the case of hiring or firing, or even other employment conditions, for instance, raises, promotions, as well as other job opportunities. The law covers all state as well as local governments, private employers, as well as educational institutions with 15 or more employees. Again, the legislation covers labor organizations, private & public agencies, and joint labor management committees that control apprenticeship as well as training. Effectiveness There have been huge efforts towards the elimination of gender or sex discrimination in employment. For insta ...
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