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Hobbies And Physical Activities

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Health & Medical
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What are the hobbies or activities you did as a child?
As a child I used to love swimming and riding a bicycle for fun and also as a way of
connecting with most of my friends. Every day I would join my friends to our usual routine of
riding and later on swimming, these two were my most favorable hobbies. However at that time I
never knew that the two hobbies were physical activities that shaped my health at that time and
in future. I just did this for fun as I played with my hood mates and children of my age at that
What are your current hobbies?
Currently my two hobbies remain to be my most favorable ones although I have also
added a morning run on a daily basis. Physical activities assist a person, right from childhood, to
grow up having a healthy lifestyle free from diseases or weaknesses in muscles. Therefore
parents or guardians should limit their children from engaging in play and fun games that involve
physical activities.
Are there any differences and similarities?
I believe that physical activities as a child and as an adult are similar in that they involve
engaging the bodies into a stress free state. They are important in relaxing the body as well as
maintain the body functioning. A mixture of good diets and proper exercises will always help me
as a person to lead a healthy life. The list at the childhood is not much different from the list in
adulthood given that the physical activities continue to be important at every step of life.
What are the actions that make you increase the level of physical activities?

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PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES 1 What are the hobbies or activities you did as a child? As a child I used to love swimming and riding a bicycle for fun and also as a way of connecting with most of my friends. Every day I would join my friends to our usual routine of riding and later on swimming, these two were my most favorable hobbies. However at that time I never knew that the two hobbies were physical activities that shaped my health at that time and in future. I just did this for fun as I played with my hood mates and children of my age at that time. What are your current hobbies? Currently my two ...
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