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A paper on Classification of Law

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Classification of Law
Classification of Law
Nursing law has a number of divisions that rule and guide the practice of professional
nursing. These guidelines also protect the patients who fall under the care of these nurses as they
have a guarantee of professionalism in delivery of services as well as attendance to patients. The
classifications of law include the Nurse practice Acts that relate to a specific law set by each
country or governing states and play an instrumental role in defining the scope that underlies the
practice of nursing. These laws are very common in the United States and the states boards are
the ones that bear the responsibility of overseeing this statutory law. Several classifications of
law govern the statutory functions of the performance of nurses in their professional practice and
protect the ethical position of nursing (Guido, 2010).
These law classifications include the public law, which comprises of criminal as well as
administrative and constitutional rules governing the executive performance of public bodies.
Private law is the next classification of law, which considers the legal relationship existing

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between private individuals and organization. Civil law advocates for acquisition of a remedy,
usually in monetary terms, as compensation for a damage or wrong done. A tort law occurs
independently from individual acts, while contract law arises from breach of contracts. However,
the most common classification of law applied in the professional nursing practice is the public
law. Most professional nurses perform their duties in the interest of the public, either working in
public or private health care institutions, which is to safeguard the sanctity of life through saving
lives of their patients and every sick person who falls under their care (Masters, 2009).
One major health care incident featured in the internet that depicts a classification of the
law was the medical insurance fraud that took place in Kenya involving the National Health
Insurance Fund (NHIF). This scandal involved a scandal that swindled over ninety six million
Kenyan shillings from the hospital insurance fund, money intended for the provision of health
care needs to low income patients who cannot afford meeting their medical expenses easily. In
addition, this scandal also involved several health care providers inclusive of the Clinix health
care Limited. This was a gross violation of the criminal law in the nursing profession. The
persons who perpetrated the fraud were criminals who put the nursing profession on the line and
risked the lives of numerous patients in order to enrich the pockets of a few (Pozgar, 2013).
Consequently, the fraud led to poor service delivery among numerous health care
institutions, especially those public institutions that normally depended on the hospital insurance
funds to meet its financial needs. In addition, more patients failed to get the right medical
attention within the right time, thereby ending up with a worsening health condition, or even
succumb to their illness by death (White, 2001). It is as such quite evident that is the nursing
profession there should be no room for criminal activities as this not only jeopardizes the
financial stability of the hospitals involved, but it also risks the lives of the patients, as well as,
the nurses and other practicing physicians. Criminal law also affects the performance of these

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Classification of Law Name Instructor Task Classification of Law Nursing law has a number of divisions that rule and guide the practice of professional nursing. These guidelines also protect the patients who fall under the care of these nurses as they have a guarantee of professionalism in delivery of services as well as attendance to patients. The classifications of law include the Nurse practice Acts that relate to a specific law set by each country or governing states and play an instrumental role in defining the scope that underlies the practice of nursing. These laws are very common in the United States and the states boards are the ones that bear the responsibility of overseeing this statutory law. Several classifications of law govern the statutory functions of the performance of nurses in their professional practice and protect the ethical position of nursing ( ...
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