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Nursing As An Art And A Science Ppt

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Miami Dade College
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Nursing as an Art and a Science
1. Introduction
History of nursing where nursing mainly as an art
Florence Nightingale introduced a new era of science and art in nursing
Science facet of nursing- scientific knowledge, mechanics, and logistics concerned for
positive patient outcomes.
The artistic facet of nursing- caregiving side of nursing
The history of nursing is an important place to begin exploring whether nursing is an art or
science. Historically, nurses were subservient, where they would only respond to the orders and
the instructions from other professionals, primarily physicians. This meant that the nurses could
not question the physician's actions, which mainly lay on the artistic side of giving. However, the
profession took a turn with the evolution of nursing and theoretical frameworks to inform
nursing. Nurses are no longer the 'hand maids' but are professionals in the frontline of caregiving.
Today, the nursing profession includes two distinct facets: science and art. The science facet of
nursing involves the scientific knowledge, mechanics, and logistics concerned for positive
patient outcomes. The art facet presents the caregiving side of nursing. This paper presents an
argument for nursing as both an art and a science as the modern-day nurse combines theory and
research while still administering care to the patients.
2. Nursing as a Science
Science as an intellectual process
Nursing as an intellectual process and consequently scientific field
Human anatomy studies in nursing as part of science,

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Before delving into how nursing is a science, it is essential to understand the meaning of science.
Science is defined as an intellectual process for using all of one's mental and physical resources
for a better understanding, explanation, and prediction of phenomena-both ordinary and unusual.
Nursing fits into this explanation in a variety of ways. First, nursing uses scientific information
about the human body and its interaction with the environment to determine the best model of
ensuring the wellbeing of the patients. In nursing studies, the nurses go through training about
the anatomy of the body and understand how different elements in the environment of the human
being can alter this anatomy and consequently the functioning of the body (Barrett, 2017).
Human anatomy provides an understanding of the ins and outs of diseases. The nurse can then
use the medical knowledge to determine the best treatment alternatives available.
3. Nursing as a Science Cont.
Nursing as science in other facets outside the patient's body
Nursing science in understanding healthcare regulations
Nursing science in understanding the use of information systems
Even when they are not dealing with the patient's body, the nurse still has to apply science to
other components of the nursing role. For instance, the procedures in the hospital, such as those
relating to health information and updated healthcare regulations, require a scientific
understanding. Notably, all this information is based on theoretical frameworks, which state that
nursing is a science. An important question here is whether nursing is a primary or applied
science. Nursing lies more on the applied science side as it utilizes multiple concepts from
diverse disciplines. The field does not focus on a specific theoretical perspective or
methodology, giving it a sophisticated approach to knowledge gathering and application,
characteristic of applied sciences.

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Nursing as an Art and a Science 1. Introduction • History of nursing where nursing mainly as an art • Florence Nightingale introduced a new era of science and art in nursing • Science facet of nursing- scientific knowledge, mechanics, and logistics concerned for positive patient outcomes. • The artistic facet of nursing- caregiving side of nursing The history of nursing is an important place to begin exploring whether nursing is an art or science. Historically, nurses were subservient, where they would only respond to the orders and the instructions from other professionals, primarily physicians. This meant that the nurses could not question the physician's actions, which mainly lay on the artistic side of giving. However, the profession took a turn with the evolution of nursing and theoretical frameworks to inform nursing. Nurses are no longer the 'hand maids' but are professionals in the frontline of caregiving. Today, the nursing profession includes two distinct facets: science and art. The science facet of nursing involves the scientific knowledge, mechanics, and logistics concerned for positive patient outcomes. The art facet presents the caregiving side of nursing. This paper presents an argument for nursing as both an art and a science as the modern-day nurse combines theory and research while still administering care to the patients. 2. Nursing as a Science • Science as an intellectual process • Nursing as an intellectual process and consequentl ...
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