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Project Performance Measures

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Project performance measures
Project performance refers to the process of assessing the progress of a project as it progresses
with time. This applies when we want to measure the rate at which a business process is
progressing at a given time. We may be interested in a particular business process or the
outcomes of a process in order to know how it changes with time. When measuring performance
in a project, we want to know the impact it has at a point at that time relating to its scheduled
timeframe. There are different methods employed in measurement of project performance. The
choice of these methods depends on the applicability and the factors involved in the project in
EVM (Earned Value Management) is a technique used in project management to measure the
performance and the progress of a particular project. This analysis is important in providing
facts on the success of a project success. Earned Value Management is therefore a Performance
Management strategy. As an integrated system, EVM helps management by providing reliable
and accurate analysis of the performance and the challenges of the project on progress.
Earned value management analysis involves assessing project outputs over given reporting
interval to determine whether the performance is getting better or deteriorating.These project
progress measures are expressed in terms of cost, technical performance and schedule. They
include techniques and methods used to express and evaluate progress within the project baseline
i.e schedule, cost and technical.
EIRs (External Independent Reviews) are done to validate the Baseline Performance of a project.
These reviews serve the purpose of providing the management in a particular Department with
reliable information on its progress to maintain that it can be completed within the scope, cost
and time schedule and still meet performance parameters and eventually serve the purpose for
which it was started.
KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a value that can is measured and used to indicate the how
organizations effectively achieve their laid objectives. Selecting the best performance indicator
depends on the industry in question and which areas of the business you want to track analyze
performance. KPI is used by organization to evaluate the tread of success towards the set targets.

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EV (Earned Value)
The way a project is performing today is a good indicator of how it will perform in the future.
We therefore need know the data trend data so that we can forecast the real cost and time as early
first stages of a project. Earned Value method (EV) is the best trend-analysis technique that we
use to assess and measure the tread of a project.
According to Duncan 2016, Earned Value approach helps us monitor the plan of the project, the
actual work involved, and the work volume completed in order to see whether the project is
performing well. EV also indicates the cost and the time that should have been set for the project
considering the progress of time and the amount of work completed. Earned Value give the
project manager a way of comparing the volume of work completed and the volume he expected
finished at a particular point of time.
Measurement of performance in a progressing project is very essential as it portends the success
or failure of the project. The objective of measurement project performance is to help project
members and project managers to remain in track with project expectations and avail information
to stakeholders the progress of the project and where it will be in future. It also helps in getting
early warning of challenges that may affect its performance in the future and prevent them by
taking the most effective action.

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Project performance measures Project performance refers to the process of assessing the progress of a project as it progresses with time. This applies when we want to measure the rate at which a business process is progressing at a given time. We may be interested in a particular business process or the outcomes of a process in order to know how it changes with time. When measuring performance in a project, we want to know the impact it has at a point at that time relating to its scheduled timeframe. There are different methods employed in measurement of project performance. The choice of these methods depends on the applicability and the factors involved in the project in question. EVM EVM (Earned Value Management) is a technique used in project management to measure the performance and the progress of a particular project. This analysis is important in providing facts on the success of ...
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