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Violence And Abuse Against Vulnerable Groups

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Health & Medical
Walden University
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Violence and Abuse against Vulnerable Groups

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Introduction and Statistics
The vulnerable populations likely to experience violence and abuse include children, the
elderly, pregnant women, racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, economically disadvantaged,
the homeless, and people with chronic illness, including those with severe mental illnesses. To a
large extent, the vulnerability of these groups is enhanced by age, race, ethnicity, gender, income,
poverty, and lack of education, among others. These socially and economically disadvantaged
groups need proper care to enhance their quality of life. Still, the majority are yet to receive the
proper care they deserve. The barriers and challenges between effective health care and the world’s
most vulnerable populations are complex, and this is strongly condemned by psychiatric mental
health nurse practitioners (PMHNP).
Violence and Abuse Against Others
Abuse happens when another person hurts another causing them physical, emotional,
sexual, emotional, or even psychological harm. Neglect is among the worst forms of abuse
affecting millions of vulnerable groups across the globe. Abuse occurs in many forms, and any
form of ill-treatment that affects one’s physical or psychological health is abuse. Violence, on the
other hand, is a form of abuse. Violence is the use of physical power, or force directed towards,
oneself, another, or a community and results or has a likelihood of resulting in death, injury,
deprivation, or psychological harm. WHO (2021) argues that violence is a global phenomenon
affecting millions of vulnerable populations. Violence and abuse against others is a great injustice
that affects many people, and society’s vulnerable groups are the most disadvantaged.
Vulnerable Population: Elder Abuse

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1 Violence and Abuse against Vulnerable Groups Name Institution Course Professor Date 2 Introduction and Statistics The vulnerable populations likely to experience violence and abuse include children, the elderly, pregnant women, racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, economically disadvantaged, the homeless, and people with chronic illness, including those with severe mental illnesses. To a large extent, the vulnerability of these groups is enhanced by age, race, ethnicity, gender, income, poverty, and lack of education, among others. These socially and economically disadvantaged groups need proper care to enhance their quality of life. Still, the majority are yet to receive the proper care they deserve. The barriers and challenges between effective health care and the world’s most vulnerable populations are complex, and this is strongly condemned by psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNP). Violence and Abuse Against Others Abuse happens when another person hurts another causing them physical, emotional, sexual, emotional, or even psychological harm. Neglect is among the worst forms of abuse affecting millions of vulnerable groups across the globe. Abuse occurs in many forms, and any form of ill-treatment that affects one’s physical or psychological health is abuse. Violence, on the other hand, is a form of abuse. Violence is the use of physical power, or force directed towards, oneself, another, or a community and results or has a likelihood of res ...
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