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Ethical Dilemma

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Most businesses face the current prevalent ethical dilemmas eating up their firm’s profits
and public image. These breeds confusion and improper management both internally and
externally,taking into consideration the proper decision making which have to be enforced by the
responsible individuals.
From the scenarios, an employee has been caught taking food home at the close of her
every shift. Both Chris and Erica have got conflicting ideas on how to handle the situation.Chris
thinks laying off the employee is the right thing to suffice,whereas Erica thinks otherwise
claiming that the food would be tossed out any case at the end of the day. This situation calls for
prudent measures and at the same time being ethical when carrying out the measures.
To my judgement, resolving the ethical issue would need keen heedfulness and absolute
time investment.First, digging into the firm’s code of ethics to grasp content on what it entails so
as to build a proper decision making. With the help of these ethics, I could share the dilemma
with a colleague who might have an idea on how to sustain the position. In this scenario’s firing
the employees as Chris thinks is not a right move considering she is hard working and works
overtime. This is because the food was to be discarded later on. I do not however agree with the
employee taking food without permission. Even though it was going to be thrown away it does
not mean that she had the right to take the food.
Therefore, Erica and Chris should have a clear strategy for handling the extra food
situation in the restaurant. They should communicate with the staff on the proper tossing of the
food.In addition to that, the restaurant should ensure that it’s budget schedule is well designed
and modeled so as to ensure only the required amount of food is prepared at the end of the day.

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NAME: COURSE: AFFLIATE NUMBER: DATE: ETHICAL DILEMMA Most businesses face the current prevalent ethical dilemmas eating up their firm’s profits and public image. These breeds confusion and improper management both internally and externally,taking into consideration the proper decision making which have to be enforced by the responsible individuals. From the scenarios, an employee has been caught taking food home at the close of her every shift. Both Chris and Erica have got conflicting ideas on how to handle the situation.Chris thinks laying off the employee is the right thing to suffice,whereas Erica thinks otherwise claiming that the food would be tossed out any case at the end of the day. This situation calls for prudent measures and at the same time being ethical when carrying out the measures. To my judgement, resolving the ethical issue would need keen heedfulness and absolute time investment.First, digging into the firm’s code of ethics to grasp content on what it entails so as to build a proper decision making. With the help of these ethics, I could share the dilemma with a colleague who might have an idea on how to sustain the position. In this scenario’s firing th ...
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