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20160312145630case 9 2. Baseball Card Emporium Students Template.xlt Xxx

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Annual Demand Case Value Inventory Carrying Cost Order Cost In Transit Carring Cost Transit Time Motor Carrier Transit Time Air Carrier Motor Carrier rate for 100 lbs Motor Carrier rate for 50 lbs Air Carrier Rate Days per year Unit Weight R V W A Y tm ta 5,000 $200 28% 100 18% 5 2 0.8 0.4 $1.50 365 50 days days cwt lbs/case Economi order in Units and Pounds Annual Demand Order Cost Case Value Carrying Cost Q Units Q Pounds PAGE 345 R A V W 5,000 2300 4239 33% 123 33/100(sumC2:C3)*100/C4 34 10/100(Q Units) Total Cost of the EOQ Economic Order Quantity Case Value Carrying Cost Annual Demand Order Cost TAC PAGE 343 Q Units V W R A 123.00 432 23% 544 2334 4,326 23/100(sumC2:C3) Total Cost using motor carrier Transportation Total Cost ofr motor carrier Economic Order Quantity Annual Demand Transit Time Motor Carrier Case Value In Transit Carring Cost Inventory Carrying Cost Order Cost Motor Carrier rate for 50 lbs Days per year PAGE 384-385 Q R tm V Y W A a 1/2(QVW) 200.00 1/2(QVW)*23/100 b AR/Q 300.00 AR/Q c (tm/360)*RVY 455.00 TM/360*RVY a+b+c 955.00 sumB15:B19 Motor Carrier rate for 50 lbs*Q*(R/Q) Total Motor Carrier Transportation 3233.00 B21*3/50 12345.00 3(SumB21:B23) Total Cost using air carrier Transportation Total Cost ofr motor carrier Economic Order Quantity Annual Demand Transit Time Air Carrier Case Value In Transit Carring Cost Inventory Carrying Cost Order Cost Air Carrier rate for 50 lbs Days per year PAGE 384-385 Q R tm V Y W A a 1/ ...
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