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President Obama S Visit To Cuba

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President Obama’s Visit to Cuba
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The republic of Cuba is a sovereign state; it is the largest island in the Caribbean. Cuba is one of
the few countries in the world that still practice socialism. President Obama arrived in Havana
the capital city of Cuba for a three day visit which is aimed at discussions of issues that face the
two countries. This is the first Visit of a sitting US president to Cuba in 88 years since Calvin
Coolidge visit in 1928. His visit to Cuba will greatly be remembered in history as a great event
by a US President and as one of president Obama’s legacies. The visit was as a result of
diplomatic discussions that were declared by both the US president and the President of Cuba in
December 2014, this brought to an end a long time disagreement between the two countries that
were witnessed when the Cuban government revolution overthrew the American government
Obama’s visit is a sign of essential move from these policies of isolation, hostility and regime
change to a strategy of engagement by the United States government, the purpose of the visit is
to have normal relationship with the Cuban government. Obama’s decision to visit Cuba and
how he was received by the people of and the Cuban President shows us that the two presidents
plan to make great changes by improving relations between the two countries (Dunne, 2016).
President Obama deserted the Cuba isolation policy by the US and he is expected to hold
discussions with the Cuban president on major issues facing the two countries; if the discussions
between the two presidents go well then there will be achievement of a number of issues that are
currently on the table. Obama’s visit has a lot of imagery after years of hostility between
Washington and Cuba; he is required to aid in new agreements on matters of common interest,
and reduction of obstacles on both sides that are limiting commercial relations.
The greatest obstacle to having a complete normal relation between Cuba and the United States
of America government is the continuous U.S. economic embargo that was imposed to prevent
Havana from its neighbors. There have been many challenges between the two countries, the
Cuban business firms are unable to export any type of goods to the United States while most of
the United States investors cannot invest in Cuba or collaborate with any Cuban firms. The
Cuban government and the US government agreed to come together and discussion this issues,
the two sides have so far reestablished diplomatic ties and signed major commercial agreements
on telecommunications and scheduled airline service (Lieberman, 2009). President Obama

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Running Head: PRESIDENT OBAMA’S VISIT TO CUBA President Obama’s Visit to Cuba Name Instructor Institutional Affiliation Date 1 PRESIDENT OBAMA’S VISIT TO CUBA 2 Introduction The republic of Cuba is a sovereign state; it is the largest island in the Caribbean. Cuba is one of the few countries in the world that still practice socialism. President Obama arrived in Havana the capital city of Cuba for a three day visit which is aimed at discussions of issues that face the two countries. This is the first Visit of a sitting US president to Cuba in 88 years since Calvin Coolidge visit in 1928. His visit to Cuba will greatly be remembered in history as a great event by a US President and as one of president Obama’s legacies. The visit was as a result of diplomatic discussions that were declared by both the US president and the President of Cuba in December 2014, this brought to an end a long time disagreement between the two countries that were witnessed when the Cuban government revolution overthrew the American government policies. Obama’s visit is a sign of essential move from these policies of isolation, hostility and regime change to a strategy of engagement by the United States government, the purpose of the visit is to have normal relationship with the Cuban government. Obama’s decision to visit Cuba and how he was received by the people of and the Cuban President shows us that the two presidents plan to make great changes by improving relations between the t ...
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