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A paper on Commentary on Women and Justice

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Running head: WOMEN AND JUSTICE 1
Commentary on Women and Justice

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Commentary on Women in justice
The justice institution is a punitive as well as a restorative system. It recognizes that
female offenders have special needs. It has created institutions for critically addressing their
issues. It focuses on punishing them for their crime and preparing them for integration into
the society after serving their term. Female offenders have various backgrounds. They have
varying reasons for involvement in a crime (Grana, 2010). They are also at different mental
states when committing crime. The penal code specifies the punitive measures, but critical
analysis of the behaviour should be done to ensure the punishment elicits the desired
Offences by women are mostly a reaction to oppressive circumstances. Women
offenders experience much of physical and psychological turmoil. They are the basic care
givers and carry a lot of emotional baggage to the correction centres. They have varying
disturbing histories such as drug abuse, domestic issues, mental illness, racial segregation and
sexual harassment. The circumstances surrounding each offence should be carefully
investigated. It lays the foundation for determining the corrective measures that will work for
a particular offender.
A program that addresses women’s mental, cultural, addictions, fears and family
needs is appropriate. It should be focus on the nature of offence they committed. The offence
describes the character of an inmate and it defines what program best suits them. The
background of an inmate also determines their treatment (Grana, 2010). It also defines the
length of time that their program should run. Women with similar backgrounds could be
grouped together for a common program. Large groups should be avoided because conflict
may arise among the inmates. This results in more harm. The prison staff should be
professional and able to establish good relationships with the inmates. There should be

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Commentary on Women and Justice Name Institution Commentary on Women in justice The justice institution is a punitive as well as a restorative system. It recognizes that female offenders have special needs. It has created institutions for critically addressing their issues. It focuses on punishing them for their crime and preparing them for integration into the society after serving their term. Female offenders have various backgrounds. They have varying reasons for involvement in a crime (Grana, 2010). They are also at different mental states when committing crime. The penal code specifies the punitive measures, but critical analysis of the behaviour should be done to ensure the punishment elicits the desired behaviour. Offences by women are mostly a reaction to oppressive circumstances. Women offenders experience much of physical and psychological turmoil. They are the basic care givers and carry a lot of emotional baggage to the correction centres. They have varying disturbing histories such as drug abuse, domestic issues, mental illness, racial segregation and sexual harassment. The circumstances surrounding each offence should be carefully investigated. It ...
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